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Shifting Behavior for a Changing Climate 2016

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Jan 15, 2016 08:00 EST - May 23, 2016 08:00 EDT
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

May 23, 2016 08:00 EDT - Jun 7, 2016 12:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Jun 7, 2016 12:00 EDT - Jun 16, 2016 12:00 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Jun 16, 2016 12:00 EDT - Jul 5, 2016 12:00 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Jul 5, 2016 12:00 EDT - Aug 1, 2016 12:00 EDT
Winners are awarded

Aug 1, 2016 12:00 EDT
How can we mobilize individuals and society to shift behaviors in order to address climate change?

“Personal action is the first step to systemic change.” Simran Sethi

We want your ideas on how to transform the climate change movement from a story of stagnation to a story of concrete action.Climate change is happening. This is known. The problem is urgent, but for so many reasons- fearmongering, inertia, politics- society is not acting aggressively enough to address it. Information is important, but inspiration is paramount. The complexity and scale of the problem of climate change creates confusion, indecision, and inaction. To break the stalemate, we need to find new ways to provide accurate, engaging information that helps people make informed decisions around climate change in their everyday lives, organizations, and communities. To combat this global problem, this contest seeks ideas on how to empower people to take their first steps on a journey of committed, collective action.  How do we energize the public? How do we connect global climate change to what matters most to individuals? How do we connect with individual and community values to promote the adoptions of environmentally and economically sustainable behaviors? We are looking for proposals that are original, achievable and scalable— ideas that are sustainable over the long term, and can be replicated in communities around the world.

92 Proposals
We seek to empower young Brazilians by showing them that we are part of the solution to overcome current problems caused by climate change.
A Citizen-led initiative for the collective construction of Low Carbon Cities
To shift behavior and broaden the climate culture, we invite people to send open letters about climate change to loved ones in the future.
How transforming fear, anger, and confusion into compassion, clarity, and hope will inspire environmental action.
Jumpstart talk of climate change in the media by injecting public voices asking climate related questions.
To change attitudes, change incentives. Let's make a digital currency that awards new coins to people who voluntarily offset carbon.
Ready. Set. GO! The race to a green future is ON! Sign up for the race here: Sustainability2020 GREEN QUIZ #ClimateSolutions @ClimateCoLab
“Climate Adaptation & Resilience Centers” will make climate change REAL, PERSONAL, AND ACTIONABLE for all. ARCs will empower collaboration.
We can tell people what's wrong on a global scale, but if we want them to act we need to go local.
Organizations sell carbon neutral products/services at no cost by integrating offsets into shelf prices. Purchase of goods funds mitigation.
"Energy Partner"- A model for Energy conservation, Resource management, Public awareness though Educational institution and young students.
A platform that enables individuals to enjoy a pro-environmental lifestyle by providing useful information and corresponding actions
Small gatherings in people's homes each of which generates more, allowing deep, transformational engagement at an exponential scale.
A unified, national social media campaign tracking individual pledges to reduce emissions and providing personal and collective feedback.
Climate change is a symptom of a larger malaise arising out of our existing worldview. The proposal focuses on alternative worldviews
Together we will learn what is the behavior change necessary in our daily actions to decrease the climate changes.
Motivating action in addressing environment-related issues through platforms that create a world of data art sustained by Herd Mentality.
What if Siri et al can tell us that simple changes in our personal lifestyle can make the big difference in reducing our carbon footprint?
Multiple disciplines of the life sciences are being negatively affected by global warming. Our media messages need to reflect that.
Implement a quality seal for long-lasting products to give transparency and a competitive advantage over planned obsolescence products.
Create an interactive platform, where similar climate change impacts and solutions can be shared and the world can raise a voice as one.
Collect fruit seeds with students help grow fruit trees everywhere, distribute fruits free, with request to save seeds & use next year.
Create a global lottery to raise the funds needed to fight global warming.
Matriots, target the most sensitive body part—the wallet. Make prices tell the truth. Earth as object of speculation? Not with geonomics.
A game for cultivating sustanable climate actions by kids for kids!
In order to broaden awareness about climate change, we show photos of fashion from 30 years ago, nowadays, and 30 years anticipation.
Sharing Japanese recipes such as eco-friendly culture, wisdoms and manners with people of the world and generating their eco-action.
Promote ecologically friendly behaviors like walking instead of using a car. Incentive based on gamification elements will be provided.
Climate information communication is crucial to understand climate as a major influence, to recognize risks and to take informed responses
Sensitize rural community to protect environment and fight against poverty
Global price per ton, enforced by import duties on nonparticipants
Man as added WATER VAPOR to the air for years. It is a Green House gas. Million times more WATER VAPOR in air than CO2. What does it do?
Phil Tetlock's work suggests that forecasting tournaments may moderate polarizing policy debates by focusing on accountability.
Implement the 2015 award-winning Global Action Plan, “Make Climate a Top Priority for Action by Every Global Citizen and Organization.”
Design settlements with internal financial mechanisms to create sustainable lifestyles. e.g. A high internal price on CO2 emissions. ( DO NOT SUPPORT this OLD Post ON KICKSTARTER PLEASE!!!!!!)
You don't have to "believe in" climate change if you understand the simple physics behind it.
Write the world the way you want it, and read the visions of others. Story! a powerful route to change.
Using a simple message on your browser, you get a carbon footprint of your internet use. Old, slow climate change becomes urgent & tangible.
The Solar Poem Machine translates and delivers poems from communities around the world impacted by climate change into American art museums.
Develop free online CSRE to include social responsibility in corp. sourcing/siting decisions to minimize manufacturings environmental impact
Join the FIGHT for survival. «First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one» -- Will McAvoy -- Say goodbye to Denial!
Once A Week, Give Our Beautiful Planet A Day Of Rest. An Emission-free Day. A Green Sabbath Day.
People don't realize how real is climate change is and how it affects them and their loved ones and others around them. Lets educate them
afforestation of deserts.
I believe in the promise of a consciously evolving humanity. I also think there is a lot of power to be harnessed through entertainement.
Using Television worldwide to inform & motivate people to take action about climate change.
If we want to reverse climate change, we have to reach people who don't think about it. Let's make climate-friendly housing decisions easy.
Design community-specific behavior change communication and cascade messages through schools, green clubs and women farmer groups.
Facebook immediately raise public awareness worldwide to inform & motivate people to take action about climate change.
Aeroponics efficiently produces food, eliminating some of the worlds greatest disasters, pesticides and genetically modified foods.
Human activity simulation in buildings towns economy according the position of sun. A map of particular activity influencing weather forecat
The online platform to unite individuals and corporations in creating a carbon-neutral world.
The real scientific reasons to expect human caused global warming has been ignored. Energy balance for earth needs to be clarified.
The real scientific reasons to expect human caused global warming has been ignored. Energy balance for earth needs to be clarified.
Climate change documentary changes people's behavior during film presentation.
Encourage the local urban neighbourhood to fight climate change through growing their own food
Through our efforts of regulating food waste in schools we can help overcome methane's impact on climate change!
Creating a platform which is drives by youth to engage people to be climate agents for doing climate actions.
Millions of us communicating through our networks to inspire passionate mainstream commitment to solving global warming.
Going to bed early and having more sex can help address climate change by reducing electricity use, stress, and carbon footprint.
The first step towards mitigation of climate change effects is the awerenes of environimentally friendly sources of energy, renewable energy
Provide insight in consumption up to appliance level with Smart insight of Ipsum. Shift behavior through competition and cash prices.
A low-carbon transition – how much faster if we had “actionable knowledge?”
Hyperloops for Humanity, the Environment, and Profits: A Mediterranean Marine Hyperloop/Refugee/Environmental Collaborative Proposal
To save electricity with the help of students, teachers and parents.
POWERFUL GLOBAL SOLUTION - We have the technology, solid theory, & large body of studies demonstrating the veracity of this effect.
Governments should charge supermarkets all plastic they sell with the products, Public Administration would maintain the duty of control.
Governments should charge supermarkets all plastic they sell with the products, Public Administration would maintain the duty of control.
Hyperloops for Humanity, the Environment, and Profits: A Mediterranean Marine Hyperloop/Refugee/Environmental Collaborative Proposal
Hyperloops for Humanity, the Environment, and Profits: A Mediterranean Marine Hyperloop/Refugee/Environmental Collaborative Proposal
A simple, low-cost way to communicate the hidden costs of fossil fuels to end users and drive change upstream. Watch the videos for more.
To win against climate change we need to up our Climate Chess game – a lot!
Wikis, #tags and apps used collaboratively become a means of dematerializing and enhancing knowledge conversion processes
The idea is to combat climate change together with common people's participation in reducing GHGs level from the atmosphere.
Comedy4ClimateChange - How do we create new narratives around solving climate change through humor and comedy?
The #ParisAgreement marks a new day on climate action. How do we best engage new audiences to work towards a net zero emissions future?
Community currency systems (Time Banks/LETS) can be harnessed to reward and encourage green behaviour among their members, and beyond.
Watershed Moments, Healthy Oceans Maritime Festivals are fun, fund-raising events to preserve our watersheds and promote direct action.
Energy conservation awareness using Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey in different categories of consumers: A Case Study
Compare your energy consumption against others!
RE-volv empowers people to fight climate change by crowdfunding a revolving fund for solar installations for places they care about.
Soil&Co empowers farmers and consumers to reverse climate change by providing access to more sustainable practices of farming and consuming
CarbonToSoil is a non-profit organisation educating & creating awareness about reverse climate change, and connecting consumers and farmers
My Energy Xpert is a SMART energy audit and monitoring app empowering people to save time, money and lower their energy footprint.
A street of Medellíns is an environmentally friendly place. Solutions in C02 emission by renewable energy, mobility, waste and habitat.
This campaign aims at rebranding and promoting pro-environmental behavior such as recycling as fashionable, hip and trendy. In short: Cool.