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Anticipating Climate Hazards 2017

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Sep 22, 2016 12:00 EDT - Feb 10, 2017 06:00 EST
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

Feb 10, 2017 06:00 EST - Mar 28, 2017 01:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Mar 28, 2017 01:00 EDT - Apr 18, 2017 06:00 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Apr 18, 2017 06:00 EDT - Jun 1, 2017 12:00 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Jun 1, 2017 12:00 EDT - Jun 30, 2017 12:00 EDT
Winners are awarded

Jul 17, 2017 09:00 EDT
How can vulnerable communities best prepare for climate-related hazards, and what new tools can be used to incentivize early action?

In collaboration with the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Resilience Initiative: Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape (A2R), this contest invites solutions on how the world should prepare and respond to climate extremes and climate hazards. A2R is a global, multi-stakeholder initiative, launched in November 2015 to accelerate action on the ground to enhance climate resilience for the most vulnerable countries and people by 2020. 

Building resilience and capacity to understand and effectively respond to climate extremes and climate-induced disasters is necessary to adapt to climate change. A first step is to increase the ability to adequately anticipate and respond to climate hazards and extremes. There are many actors working on building climate resilience, including national governments, UN agencies and other international organizations, local authorities, researchers, the private sector, and civil society, among others. Many of these actions must be scaled-up, reinforcing synergies and reducing overlaps, while ensuring that together, these different actions are having the positive impacts needed. 

We are calling for a wide range of innovative and practical solutions – on the local, national and international levels – that can help strengthen early action in vulnerable communities around the world.

94 Proposals
A mobile water tank that can be used to store and transport drinking water as well as function as a boat in case of flooding and save lives!
Technology to anticipate climatic disasters alerting authorities and settlers to implement action protocols reducing damages.
A disaster risk management tool for supporting urban planning, leading to data driven decision making for climate change impacts' adaptation
The integrated web-based flood risk management system for Dhaka that projects risk and damage under climate change, and help with planning.
Education-based migration improves resilience of low-lying island states by preemptively decreasing population and creating remittances.
early warning system anticipates climate hazards, absorbs shocks in most-vulnerable communities & reshapes mitigation/adaptation landscape
Platform to drive disaster risk preparedness with chatbots, gamification, incentives, insurance innovation; & bridge multiple stakeholders.
C.I.M.A is a prototype mobile app with an interactive interface providing timely and relevant climate information.
A compelling locally made drama featuring a protagonist who competantly deals with extreme weather events
The Coastal Hazard Wheel - a new language to boost coastal climate adaptation worldwide
Proposal intends to develop mobile platform that will allow users to report information about unfolding flood disaster using mobile devices.
Future Vision is furniture for transit hubs that increases community resilience by sharing information & enhancing civic connections.
Helping the Deaf community prepare for disasters begins with signing the signs of disaster.
connected objects (raingauge, thermometer, etc) and smartphone app for early detection of critical thresholds and excess.
Can community savings build resilience against climate extremes and climate-induced disasters? This project aims to do just that in Kenya
Using smartphones units for remote monitoring & collection of data, to analyse and prediction of climate hazards & provide rapid response
Anticipating and mitigating effects of climate change, while promoting resilience
VR based disaster simulation in mock workshops and mobile alert messaging of steps for early action escorts safely from climate hazards.
The Volunteer Network Management System (VNMS) and Lifetowers: Low cost solutions for effective last mile early warning dissemination
Millions of people in developing countries lack protein. Organic waste can be turned into high grade animal feed with BS fly larvae.
Remove all CO2 added to the air since the Industrial Revolution, in 1-10 years using a forest of synthetic trees
Harvesting Wave energy with very slimpler mechanism yet low cost design=Practical for real world.
What is great for big business is not for everyone. We will work to educate, equip and mobilize the general public to act on Climate Change.
Questions: What will you do IF Tomorrow when nearly your entire City begins to flood, or gets destroyed by Storms?
It’s in the Bag! A Simple, Energy Saving Cooking Idea.
The marine space offers the least complex starting point for addressing A2R needs for effective-profitable-intergrated socioeco solutions.
Hyperloops for Humanity, the Environment, and Profits: A Mediterranean Marine Hyperloop/Refugee/Environmental Collaborative Proposal
MINI ELEVATED GREEN-POWERED TRAINS - reducing vulnerablity of public transit to flooding & a comprehensive solution to urban mobility.
What if society could calculate optimal population sizes in order to limit resource depletion and environmental degredation?
What if young students today could have a free social security pensions for free tomorrow by planting trees?
Taggling climate change now. implementation of strategies to bring about a better enviromental contions
Tomorrow never comes..... Let us plant one tree today to seek blessings of mother earth for our future generations....
Development of school discipline dedicated to environmental education based on the concept of sustainability.
Dilemma changes in coastal zone due to climate change phenomenon drastically affect the marine resources and stakeholders of the community.
An innovator has the skills to expand parameters and the resilience to cope and move forward when confronted with what others term failure.
Empowering the rural women by linking climate information to livelihood strategies through Information Communication Technologies
Almost 30 to 40 year ago in pakistan People use to carry their own bags to market made of cloth or organic material like date tree skin.
Agricultural producers in the central high plateau of Bolivia sow according to the type of soil, preventing risk indexes
Social engineering will create the economic stimulus to modify behavior and affect workable solutions.
Anticipate a climate hazard (heat wave) and stop it before it can even get started with an invisible, REMOVABLE, unbound screen in space!
Desalination Hopscotch transports clean water to an aquifer near you. Aquifers provide resiliency against scarcity in times of drought.
Using the wide spread tech called "sms" to be used as an emergency info beacon/comm tool.
solutions to anticipate and respond to climate extremes(floods/droughts)by saving irrigation water and water underground water storage
PRECIsE seeks to contribute to debates on the impacts of the use of Big Data on Climate Research addressing the SDGs.
Agromet Based Early Warning System for Cotton-Wheat in Punjab-Pakistan
Municipalities of Oruro with preventive vision, plan and elaborate their Action Plan with resilience to climate change and early warning
Development of An Index to Measure the Trade-off between Environment (ENVE) and Resource Utilization (RU)
Escuela lúdica de formación para la resilencia dirigido de adolescentes para niños de 8 a 11 años que incluye aulas virtuales y parque
There's no universal formula. The
Particulate matter deteriorates air quality in many ways. We have a smart solution to fight it.
Laws favor oil/coal fired transport/utilities. Solar Mobility Act restores free markets, allowing cleaner, faster, safer, cheaper networks.
A contest for most effective preparedness investment
Providing electronic Mentorship support to social entrepreneurs on how they can start and grow environmentally friendly business initiatives
Adquire a deep knowledge of spatio-temporal rainfalls distribution in Namibia to optimize water resources and set droughts emergency plans.
There is a fault of strategic analysis and coordination for this and similar projects, specially gobal warming still don't have a plan.
Industrial effluents being polluted in nature need proper management before disposing off, as it may save our economical crops & hence life
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin.
Diseases after climate-related events are associated to safe water and sanitation availability. WWT technology is an outstanding solution.
Stories provoke curiosity and discussion. When Climate design solutions is open, a more resilient communities.
On time of disasters cause by climate hazards no one can save you but yourselves.
Advanced urban strategies to reduce urban exposure with functional replacement, improving citizens’ involvement and private owners’ actions
Biodegradation of wastewater to be safely use for irrigation of plants & its influence on their performance & characterization of telomerase
Develop a novel approach for green synthesis of nanoparticles using herbal extracts for treatment & remediation of waste & drinking water.
Develop a novel approach for green synthesis of nanoparticles using herbal extracts for treatment & remediation of waste & drinking water.
Monitoring phytoplankton, protecting bioluminescence & awareness of toxic algae bloom in a network of coastal communities
Rural internet access regarding citizen’s science in the service of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
RESPRO Project (Restoring Nature, Protecting People) - Coral reefs restoration as nature-based adaptation to climate change
One of the most serious implications of climate change is the intensity and frequency of extreme events on the agricultural production.
U.C.S. is a new urban alternative for rescue and manage rivers and enhance his potentials to help and prevent Climate Change Effects
CLIVE allows decision-makers to visualize in 3D the impacts of sea-level rise and storm surge water levels at local community scales
Instead of leveraging hundreds of water utilities, liaise with the main state-owned development banks.
Troubled Waters is a crowdsourcing game aimed at developing methods for alleviating wide-ranging severe water stress now and in the future.
Every item in a building has come from direction and creates a whirlpool. When the extreme weather aproaches create oposite whirlpool.
Asthe globalconcept is of low carbon and sustainablity in future solid state reactors may come into existance there may be a disaster
Individual and community resiliency improves with post-disaster access to crucial documents, which this program will identify and safeguard.
As a student in environmental management it falls upon me to provide solutions to the stinking problem of environmental degradation.
High risk & vulnerability for coastal communities and economic activities facing climate change require an ICZM approach to build resilience
The green power mission of INDIA envisages Low Carbon Technologies (LCT) and Carbon Capture and Sequerastration (CCS)
Using the briquettes environmentlly friendly technology to substitute charcaol that leads to defforestation hence reducing global warming
We propose cassava-nol to tackle the massive deforestation, and build community resilience to increasing droughts, floods and degradation.
Alternative livelihoods and income opportunities can reduce coastal communities' dependence on mangrove ecosystem thereby mitigate floods
Save & Store the Seeds of Forest Plants: Spread/Sow at Proper Time and Place !
Water Footprint, Carbon Footprint, Climate Change, Ethanol,Sustainibility, Sugarcane, Environment, GHGs, CO2
A marine centric multidisplinary approach to anticipating climate change induced hazards, absorbing shocks, and reshaping development.
This proposal suggests strategies/solutions to assess, absorb, adapt, and ameliorate the effects of climate change on Pakistan agriculture.
Collect fruit seeds with students help, grow fruit trees everywhere, distribute fruits free, request to save seeds & use next year
Impacts of Brick Kilns on Natural and Social Environment creating Climate change and its Mitigation measures in Pakistan
This proposal intends to preserve rivers through the collaborated efforts of engineers, politicians and local stakeholders.