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Adaptation 2016

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Jan 15, 2016 08:00 EST - May 23, 2016 08:00 EDT
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

May 23, 2016 08:00 EDT - Jun 7, 2016 12:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Jun 7, 2016 12:00 EDT - Jun 16, 2016 12:00 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Jun 16, 2016 12:00 EDT - Jul 5, 2016 12:00 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Jul 5, 2016 12:00 EDT - Aug 1, 2016 12:00 EDT
Winners are awarded

Aug 1, 2016 12:00 EDT
What can be done to prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change?

Climate change is already affecting earth’s ecosystems and the welfare of the billions that depend on them. Even assuming focused, deliberate efforts to aggressively reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and reverse the course on a global economy dominated by fossil fuels, we have already committed our planet to a certain level of climate change. We will need to adapt to those aspects of climate change that are irreversible in the short term.

Climate change is a global problem whose challenges will be met at the local and regional level. Scientists have predicted its impacts to include changes in precipitation, heat waves, increased magnitude of extreme weather events and disaster intensity, increased flooding, reduced fresh water resources, sea level rise, changes in disease patterns, and more. Even if we were able to aggressively reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, mean sea levels may rise between 26-54 cm by 2100 under conservative scenarios, and most projections are higher (IPCC, 2013). Mean global surface temperature is likely to increase by 2-5 degrees Celsius, causing an acceleration of the hydrologic cycle and an exacerbation of precipitation extremes. The impacts of climate change will increasingly affect plant, animal and human life. This contest seeks to explore innovative institutional, educational, financial, and other means by which we can increase global and local preparedness for climate change on both domestic and international scales.

28 Proposals
May 20, 2016
Team only
Identify the Land or Sea area; Collect, Share and Analyse the Data; Repair or Adapt the Land or Sea area to the best extent possible.
May 20, 2016
Team only
Hyperloops for Humanity, the Environment, and Profits: A Mediterranean Marine Hyperloop/Refugee/Environmental Collaborative Proposal
May 7, 2016
Team only
Support a new generation of ocean fishermen, divers and sailors to adapt marine ecossystems to current climate change impacts
May 18, 2016
Team only
Enable climate-smart governments in Brazil by integrating climate change projections into strategic and everyday decisions in public life
May 19, 2016
Team only
Community Based Adaptation emphasises community participation that builds on the priorities, knowledge and capacities of local people.
May 23, 2016
Team only
To cope with water scarcity, desalinated seawater conserves aquifers for responsible sharing by water users in Texas and elsewhere.
Feb 29, 2016
Team only
To make an device that has the ability to recognize earthquake shaking using the sensors.
Jun 15, 2016
Use cassava as a climate smart cash crop that has the added value of empowering women farmers in SubSahara Africa.
Jun 11, 2016
Team only
Economic use of water with urine from EcoSan in a grenhouse for vegetable production. Help people adapt and live in the same place.
Jun 15, 2016
Team only
Dec 14, 2016
Team only
Uses of Jatropha Jatropha has many uses in today's world. Each and every part of the plant is useful in some ways. Even the seed cake produced as a by product is used as an excellent organic fertilizer. Some parts of the plant are used for medical purposes. In short all the parts of the jatropha plant can be used or sold. Here are some of the uses of jatropha plant: The non edible vegetable oil extracted from the jatropha plant can be used as an alternative to the diesel oil. The jatropha oil has advantageous physicochemical and the characteristic that is equal to diesel. So cars can use this oil with little change in their design. The oil can be used as an illuminant without refining. The jatropha oil burns with clear free smoke and flame. Because of its high saponification the oil is used to make soap in some parts of the world. Jatrophine an alkaloid material is present in the latex of jatropha which is assumed to have anti cancerous properties. It is used on the domestic livestock for skin diseases, sore and rheumatism. The tender wing of the jatropha plant is used for cleaning. The juice of the leaf is used for piles as an external application. The roots are believed to act as an antidote for snake bites. A dark blue dye is extracted from the bark of jatropha. This dye is used as a coloring matter for clothes, fishing nets, and lines. Jatropha oil cake is used as organic manure since it is rich in potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. Silkworms consume the leaves of the jatropha leaves for their diet. Jatropha oil is used as a lubricant for machinery and is also used to soften leather. Apart from the above uses the main use of the jatropha land is that it turns the waste land into money making one. Thus increasing the income and lessening the poverty for women and children of small farmer families. Other Uses Jatropha Seeds Seeds are used to produce insecticides Jatropha seed is used as a medicine for constipation Oils extracted from jatropha plant is used as biofuel Oil The oil is used in torches and lantern as it burns with clean free smoke The oil is used to soften the leather Used as a lubricant in machinery Also used for making soap Because of excellent combination of potassium, phosphorous and nitrogen the jatropha oil cake is used as organic manure. Plant Used to fight against the skin diseases, rheumatism and as a curative for sores on domestic livestock Dark blue dye from the bark is used for coloring cloths and fish nets Leaves and Twigs Leaves of jatropha are used as a massage material for strained muscles It is used as a brewed tea to combat malaria Jatropha plant twigs are used to clean the teeth The young leaves of jatropha can be safely eaten by steaming them or cooking it. Powdered jatropha leaves are applied to horses eyes to get rid of the flies since hydrogen cyanide is present in the leaves Flowers Because of HCN the flowers of the jatropha is listed as honey plant Nuts Used as a contraceptive Roots Root ashes are used as substitute for slat since they contain HCN and Rotenone. Bark Bark of jatropha is used as a fish poison Latex Strongly suppresses the mosaic viruses Shrub Shrubs of jatropha act as a host for the lac insects It is also used for controlling the erosion Apart from the uses, the jatropha plant has many advantages. To see complete list of jatropha advantages refer to Advantages of Jatropha.
Feb 23, 2016
Team only
Apr 14, 2016
Team only
Irrigate the worlds deserts and lower Co2 levels to pre-industrial times while making valuable carbon nano fibers, cheaper then other means.
Jun 15, 2016
Team only
May 19, 2016
Team only
Build the adaptive capacity of school students for climate change adaption.
Apr 4, 2016
Team only
Insuring farmers against weather extremes
Feb 23, 2016
Team only
Apr 20, 2016
Team only
Rainwater harvesting refers to the collecting of rainwater, mostly on a roof, from where it flows through gutters into a collection tank.
May 23, 2016
Team only
Human activities significantly reduce biodiversity in our cities, which we can counter by creating more green roofs with beehives
Mar 25, 2016
Team only
May 10, 2016
Team only
Collect fruit seeds with students help grow fruit trees everywhere, distribute fruits free, with request to save seeds & use next year
Jun 14, 2016
Team only
Jun 10, 2016
Team only
Combining eco-farming methods with ancient varieties, farmers can more efficiently use resources, improve yields, & preserve biodiversity.
Jun 15, 2016
Team only
A decision support tool to promote non-expert awareness on urban water systems issues and identification of intervention opportunities.
Apr 8, 2016
Bamboo grows very fast and can therefore serve as a sustainable and renewable source of charcoal and flood resistant construction materials.
May 23, 2016
Team only
Use adaptation technologies to strengthen agricultural production in the face of uncertain future climate change scenarios in Africa.
Jun 15, 2016
Team only
Climate.IQ is a web tool that uses spatial and statistical analysis to conduct climate risk assessmennt for properties and communities.
Feb 29, 2016
Team only
To ensure water and food security we need to be able to anticipate the likelihood of risk possibilities through cascade of vulnerabilities