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Rita Marteleira

May 17, 2016


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Dear proposal author(s)

Thank you again for submitting your proposal to the adaptation contest.

Just a friendly reminder: you only have 6 days left to update and improve your proposal before the contest closure on May 23rd! 

Keep up the good work and let us know if you have any queries!

Best wishes,

Rita Marteleira

Adaptation Contest Fellow

Patrick Ray

May 23, 2016


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Marine Hyperloops Team,

Last day to make refinements to the proposal. Looking forward to seeing the final version. 

Here's a question - could you help me understand better the political ownership of these hyperloop stations? Would they be their own sovereign entities, or would a given country have stewardship of them? Also, what sense do you have for the costs to build one? Please fill out the role of refugees in this work.

Good luck!