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Reducing consumption 2013

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Jun 1, 2012 12:00 EDT - Jun 16, 2013 02:59 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Jun 16, 2013 03:00 EDT - Jun 30, 2013 11:59 EDT
Proposal revisions
Finalists can improve their proposals

Jul 1, 2013 12:00 EDT - Jul 18, 2013 11:59 EDT
Selection of winners
CoLab members vote and judges also select winners

Jul 19, 2013 12:00 EDT - Aug 31, 2013 11:59 EDT
Winners are awarded

Sep 1, 2013 12:00 EDT
How can we reduce consumption of greenhouse-emitting goods and services?

Reducing consumption can limit the greenhouse gases emitted as part of the production of goods and services. There are three primary ways consumption can be reduced: shifting the basket of goods and services consumed toward items with a lower emissions footprint; slowing the overall rate of economic growth; and slowing the rate of population growth. This contest seeks innovative and effective ways to reduce consumption. See more…

23 Proposals
FREE personalized HEAT Scores, HEAT Maps, Hot Spots, GHG estimates and waste-heat comparisons/competitions for homes, communities & cities
Shape & activate a more attractive aspirational lifestyle that is innately sustainable for the emergent middle class in China.
A “Cool Food” rating system indicating climate and other impacts would empower consumers to choose climate-friendly foods.
To reinvent our cities from the bottom up to create deep carbon reduction, disaster resilient neighborhoods, and green economic development.
Minimizing 40 to 60% of a company’s footprint through better monitoring and control of its upstream supply chain
Create hydrogen from water applying the right temperature, the right way.
Create shopping transparency on the longevity of goods to foster long-lasting goods and ban planned obsolescence
UV-sensors can be installed in showers to determine the quality of water, thus, divert clean water to storage tanks for re-use.
Report and disclose embodied energy in all products from food to building materials using a familiar human-scale unit - the calorie.
Ideating on the recently concluded Accenture Sustainability 24 Webinar,
Households represent the end source of consumerism, where food and other resources are waste. What if they were channelled to be resources?
Frowns use more energy than smiles. Science interfaces our efficient bodies through frowns. When this tech makes us smile, the result is..?
We need a comprehensive strategy that does not rely on a single entity, but involves as many people and organizations as possible.
The mission of Move Your Green is to facilitate people's access to a sustainable world, involving green companies worldwide.
Institute a product labeling program for appliances and electronics describing material contents, their sources and its recyleability.
Both Individuals & teams will compete using techniques requiring the least energy to complete challenges highlighting normal daily activity.
Sustainably, cost effectively and efficiently selling solar lights at the price of kerosene thereby reducing consumption of kerosene
Mitigate climate change by a rapid reduction of the short lived climate pollutants by advocating for less meat consumption globally.
My goal is to create a global network of electric vehicle micro-manufacturers and designers to produce local open source electric vehicles.
To expand the use of stationary workout bicycles that generate electricity in college/university gyms across America
Develope a 'High Carbon Economy' by converting GHG emissions into raw materials, like Carbon & use them to create Green Goods & Services.