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The proposal is an optimal model for electrical heating and cooling that can be easily installed easily, energy efficient,



This proposal is for a climate control system as well as air quality and other features using electrical power and providing a more desirable ambiance than the traditional heating and cooling systems as a way to attract users to switch to electric power to move away from fossil fuels.

Even if at the present time heating with oil and gas is cheaper than with electricity the proposed model provides a superior service that is safer and healthier, with electronic optimizations to minimize energy use  - and in the long term would become cheaper as the cost of renewable energy keeps dropping.

For new construction the proposed model is superior to oil and gas because it requires less labor and materials as electricity is already part of the requirement - so rather than adding oil or gas heating the developer uses the electric infrastructure.

The proposed model also saves a great deal of space as it does not require oil or gas tanks.

The benefit of the Universal Ceiling Fan is to make it more attractive for new construction to use electric power for heating and thus help part with fossil fuels.

The Multi-Purpose Ceiling fan that provides comprehensive climate control and ambient air via features listed below:
-    Heating 
-    Cooling and air conditioning  - With compressor, or any other methods
-    Humidifier – through the blades of the fan or through housing mounted on the ceiling or both
-    Dehumidifier - through the blades of the fan or through housing mounted on the ceiling
-    Air purifier - through the blades of the fan or through housing mounted on the ceiling – ideally with self cleaning filters

- Fire Sprinklers - Given that they are required in new construction the current model takes advantage of the water pipe it needs 

-    Sensor for movement in a room – to program switch into “sleep mode” when no one is in a room, as a way of saving energy
-    Sensor for air quality including mold measurements
-    alarm for fire and gases


Is this proposal for a practice or a project?


What actions do you propose?

Creating a Universal Ceiling Fan that has features superior to the traditional heating that uses natural gas and standard air conditioning can bring consumers to opt for an electrical model to supply their heating needs.

The term Universal Ceiling Fan is appropriate as it meets the needs for asthma and allergy sufferers by providing cleaner and more ambient air while satisfying the rest of the population.  

In addition to heating and cooling, the ceiling fan in the image below satisfies a spectrum of needs for ambiance serving as air purifier, humidifier and dehumidifier. It also serves as fire sprinkler.  

The circular attachment at the bottom of the ceiling fan represents one of many variations to provide heating. The heating coil would be covered in protective exterior to avoid the risk of burns.

Many alternate methods can be considered to have the heating embedded in  the Universal Ceiling Fan from having the heating coils as part of the blades - as can be seen in the image - or having compressor heat in the area of the housing and motor. And alternatively in the exterior of the room  as seen in the image below. The essential accomplishment is the migration to a model that works efficiently with electric power while providing higher satisfaction than fossil fuels.

With prices for renewable energy dropping at an increasing rate there is a need to provide usage for the electrical power that is supplied to the grid. In recent times, some states such as California had difficulty selling surplus energy. Thus the Universal Ceiling Fan can become an attractive model to move away from natural gas. Interestingly enough Two-thirds of California households use natural gas for home heating according to the following government source:


Who will take these actions?

One of the ways to bring about this shift to the Universal Ceiling Fan would be to initially encourage bids for public funded projects to provide a Universal Ceiling Fan that includes

- fire sprinklers as

- air conditioning

- heating  

- humidifier

- dehumidifier

- air purifier

The requirements would cover the needs for occupants that have asthma and various allergies.

A public initiative for a profitable project such as my proposal Transforming low income housing areas: SUSTAINABLE, INCLUSIVE, PROFITABLE is an ideal avenue for catapulting the Universal Ceiling Fan to become a standard in all new construction. 

With the demand created from projects such as the one listed above, there will be a strong incentive for private corporations to develop and produce the universal ceiling fan and market it as a healthier model by providing superior ambiance while saving the space required by gas tanks and bulky units for cooling as well as extensive shafts to push heat from the gas tank throughout the house or building.

Having a Universal Ceiling Fan in every room saves the "shaft travel distance" of the natural gas model and provides a degree of energy efficiency. 


Where will these actions be taken?

Initially in government funded projects as well as high end construction, and eventually for all new construction.


In addition, specify the country or countries where these actions will be taken.

United States

Country 2

No country selected

Country 3

No country selected

Country 4

No country selected

Country 5

No country selected


What impact will these actions have on greenhouse gas emissions and/or adapting to climate change?

Looking at a state such as California where supply of wind and solar is growing fast and where over two thirds of households use natural gas for heating, the impact can be significant. Meaning that out of the total of 2,811,083 households some 8,000,000 use gas heating.

It is reasonable to assume that with an aggressive program towards the Universal Ceiling Fan model a well over a million households would switch in less than a decade - in a conservative estimate.

If the technology advances to become cheaper than natural gas the number would be much higher, not only because of the cost, but many households would be attracted by the greater and healthier ambiance and the additional space made available by removing gas tanks.

What are other key benefits?


Healthier air and humidity levels in homes

Safer environment against fires, and other risks

Cheaper construction costs by eliminating the extensive HVAC shafts used in traditional construction

Eliminating the pipes networks required for natural gas heating

Fewer materials needed to provide central air such as gas boilers and extensive HVAC shafts.

Lower medical costs as the proposal would universally meet the needs for asthmatic and allergic populations especially children which often have to go to emergency rooms.    



What are the proposal’s projected costs?

Initially the introduction of the new Universal Ceiling Fan (UCF)  might be cost efficient for new construction as it takes less labor to build in the shafts from the fan to the nearest exterior. However as the system is perfected and drops in price  it will become attractive to convert to the USC for existing construction. 

The image below shows the merging of climate control and alarm systems into the Universal Ceiling Fan (UCF). The overall cost for a home with 3 bedrooms, at about 1300 SF the cost of central air, gas heating, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air purifiers, alarms, fire sprinklers, and temperature and other monitoring would cost about $25,000.

To meet the climate control and ambiance needs for the same home it would take about 6 ceiling fans (two in the living room, on in the kitchen and one in each bedroom). If the house has a basement it would take two more for the basement.

This would amount to about $3125 per unit. However it is reasonable to assume that a Universal Ceiling Fan, even before mass production can meet the above needs at a lower cost than $3k. The benefit in terms of  quality is far superior to the gas heater and central air. 

The energy cost is not competitive yet because of the glut of natural gas in the market, however with the drop in the cost of renewable power we are expected to have electrical systems as the winner possibly even within less then 5 years. Until then the manufacturer can market to higher end users that seek greater quality via humidity and air purification control as well as oxygen levels.   



In an optimistic scenario - and if the assumptions of the efficiency of the Universal Ceiling Fan are correct then within 15 years the model will become a standard not only for heating and cooling but also for ensuring air quality and safety from various hazards such as fires. 

With the adoption of the Universal Ceiling Fan as a standard powered entirely by electricity and with the rapid growth renewable energy and drop in electricity prices the model will contribute to a significant drop in emissions while providing a higher quality of life.

About the author(s)

Emil Jacob, owner and founder of Jacob Innovations LLC, design firm in Cambridge, MA.

He had his undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Toronto and has worked extensively in IT as a Business Systems Analyst finding innovative ways to streamline and automate operations through software and optimized interfaces.

The proposal for the Universal Ceiling Fan was inspired by a project for asthmatic children in his coursework in the Masters program in DESIGN FOR HUMAN HEALTH at the Boston Architectural College. 

I am a strong believer in simple solutions to overwhelming challenges, most importantly climate change. I am particularly concerned about the cataclysmic scenario of runaway global warming hence I believe that all efforts are vital. Especially concerted efforts by multiple entities and large numbers of contributors - hence my proposal for CoLab City.  

Below is a list of my seven interconnected submissions creating synergies that curb climate change.

The CoLab City proposal depends on the success of the Global Civic Center proposal which itself benefits from the MINI Elevated cTrains proposal. 

** 2 is based on **1 

*4 is based on *3  

Shifting Attitudes and Behaviors
**1. Global Civic Center & Capital - the road to a sustainable planet   --- CURRENT PROPOSAL

**2. CoLab City - a blueprint for resilient, green cities

*3. Mini Elevated GreenTrains - complete transit solution - powered by green energy               

*4. Mini Elevated GREEN TRAINS - preparing for flooded subways in coastal cities  

5. Universal Ceiling Fan- Heating, Cooling, Superior Ambiance Without Fossil Fuels

Energy Supply
6. Vertical Axis Windmill Tower for densely populated areas

7. Transforming low income housing areas: SUSTAINABLE, INCLUSIVE, PROFITABLE


A converging summary of the seven submissions

Related Proposals

There is a trend in the market place for more advanced ceiling fans but none have integrated the comprehensive features  aggregated in The Universal Ceiling Fan, especially the connecting shaft for clean air, as well as water pipes for humidifying/dehumidifying/fire sprinklers and more. 








National Center for Biotechnology Information (2013). The frequency and risk factors of allergy and asthma in children with autism--case-control study. Retrieved from[Accessed Accessed 19 Aug. 2017].


The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). ASTHMA OVERVIEW Retrieved from[Accessed 27 Aug. 2017].