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The Pitch of the project is to make contribution in sustainable conservation and management of Usambara mountains and Jegetal water source




The Green School Program:

Planting a tree nowadays matters a lot to the development agenda for the world and especially in the attainment of Millennium Development Goals.  The Green School Program seeks to show that by involving children and especially schools in tree planting we can make substantial contribution to the conservation of Magamba nature reserve as well as Millennium Development Goals and lastly, the Green Schools Program marks a turning point in recognizing the true value and importance of going Green and strengthens our commitment to respond to the need for a collective struggle against the phenomenon of climate change and global warming.

The project “Green School Project” is a tree planting exercise and capacity building project intended to plant over 500,000 trees in 3 Primary Schools both surroundings the Magamba nature reserve and 400 trees around one water catchment by children in order to stimulate sustainable natural resource management thus, improving access to water, mitigating climate change and global warming.

This pilot phase is to transform educational institutions into a vehicle of transmission to the communities and reduce the pressure on watersheds orchestrated by the abusive planting of eucalyptus and other exotic trees species, grazing and farming activities in Usambara Mountains adjacent to the Magamba nature reserve. If this project will be funded and implemented, it will empower youths in agro forestry techniques and advocate for zero chemicals, and create a small forest for each school to maintain and thus giving children the ability to plant more trees when they leave school. Not only that but also children will thinks of alternatives means of income generating activities and eradicate the thought of being employed by the Government. Tree planting will protect water catchments that have been exposed due to deforestation and overgrazing leading to the proper protection of the Magamba nature reserve

Category of the action


What actions do you propose?


Project purposes

The overall purposes of the project is  conserve the Magamba nature reserve and to mitigate climate change through support for ecological balance, economic and social significances of tree planting which will go a long way to improve the living conditions of the direct and indirect beneficiaries by providing potable water to people of Lushoto town and surroundings’ villages.

This project is also an effective instrument to combat deforestation, global warming and redress water shortage in Lushoto district. It also seeks to reestablish the link between Magamba natural resource management and nature as well as remove the people out of the old day practices that led to loss of biodiversity.  This project if given consideration will go a long way to stimulate tree planting, reforestation and encourage community actions against the phenomenon of climate change and then more importantly, restore hope in a population that for the past 20 years has witnessed a drastic drop in potable and destruction of the Magamba nature reserve. It is also a very important tool for the enhancement of community organization and it also gives children and the population the aptness to participate in saving lives since planting a tree is considered as a precious gift a child can offer to the conservation of Magamba nature reserve and the world as whole.

Once the project is funded it will lead to the following:

Act as an effective tool to fight poverty and miseries in our communities, Stabilize the water level and eradicate draught and bring back water in stand taps in our communities during dry season while foster conservation practices and, Stimulate children to participate in tree planting, Off-set CO2 and give oxygen, Act as a powerful tool that directly and indirectly ensures survival and reduces the pressure on the small patches of forest, Empower school environmental clubs hence discourage abusive planting of eucalyptus trees near watersheds and running streams, Empower youth leaders on tree planting , maintenance techniques and encourage the development of community tree nurseries, Curb rural exodus, Encourage zero chemical along water catchments and stimulate the replacement of eucalyptus trees  with native tree species in farmlands ,Encourage the planting of environmental friendly tree species in wetlands and emphasize on the importance of wetland protection, Setup a base for community action in the fight against climate change and act as a vehicle of information between farmers, grazers and the administration in conservation strategies, Demonstrate the role of the children in fostering sustainable development and educate communities about the value of proper landscaping to reduce non-point source pollution at the water source, Reduce erosion and stabilize stream banks in the running streams, Foster environmental stewardship and interest members of the community and raising public awareness about the treasures and threats to their watershed.

Analysis of Actual Situation of Watersheds in Lushoto Jegetal

 The geographical area that collects all the water that falls on it into a single stream or river is called a watershed’. A watershed is thus a natural demarcation of the land, and the appropriate unit for many development activities. ‘Watershed development’ is a critical intervention in Tanzania especially the Usambara mountains Lushoto District where deforestation, bushfire and the abusive cultivation of eucalyptus trees have invaded the watersheds.

Desertification is a Global challenge, particularly in Africa where 66% of the surface area is arid lands or deserts and approximately 70% of the agricultural land is almost degraded. And besides, for some years now, watersheds have been under serious pressure from manmade activities, the pressure from farmers and grazers as well as the phenomenon of climate change continue to act as a threat to humanity. Furthermore, out of ignorance, farmers and grazers continue to practice “slash and burnt” commonly known as Uchomaji Moto Ovyo” as well as bushfire that act as agents of deforestation. Consequently, hundreds of hectares of indigenous forests are burnt down resulting to soil pollution, degradation and frequent water shortage.

Even at the time of writing this project, many villages in Lushoto district do not have access to potable water. And with the impending cholera threat, there is every reason for schools to Go Green

in order to improve on access to water as part of the MDGs. This is deplorable because of the abusive cultivation of eucalyptus tree around the main watersheds. Taking into consideration that it has been proven that a mature eucalyptus tree consumes at least 400 liters of water a day, these trees have also contributed to the nightmare the population undergoes during the months of March, April and May in search of water.  

The truth is that this problem could also be solved if children could plant trees in public places, schools and watersheds. It will raise awareness as well.  Besides, the pressure on the small patches of forest found in the watersheds have made them to disappear at a very geometric rate and it is evidence that we continue to lose trees the size of two football fields every year and the effects are already heavy and drastic in our villages.

The issue at stake is that these activities lead to pollution, soil degradation, dry-off springs/wetlands and frequently drastic water shortage. Poverty, scarcity of water, drought, and floods, poor harvests, soil erosion etc seem to take control of the future of our dynamic population. To salvage the situation, children have to be motivated to plant trees. This project if implemented will boost natural resource management and stimulate every child to plant a tree.  Above all, communities will understand during the implementation phase of the project that it is not by pouring libations in drying-off streams that water will come back, it is only through planting trees, eradicating eucalyptus in watersheds and wetlands that the drastic changes could be overcome.

Strategic objectives and performance measure

The global objective of this project is to conserve the Magamba Nature reserve and to improve access to potable water and contribute to proper protection of this unique reserve and the MDGs. It demonstrates that the ecosystem upon which all humanity depends is at risk due to climate change, partly because of some of our negative actions such as forest fire which sometimes caused by people are making charcoal and even cutting timber to sustained their life. Consequently, the children as leaders of tomorrow also have the corporate responsibility to seek solutions in order to bequeath a better environment and a better standard of living for the population.

Tree planting is the major components of the project and the fact that over 600,000 seedlings will be planted further strengthens our commitment in fighting environmental hazards. Besides, each tree planted is expected to provide Oxygen to two people for the rest of their lives so much so that they could live and function normally. At the level of the children who are the main actors in the project, planting a tree is not just a gift to humanity but performing God’s work. Trees when mature, act as windbreakers and cleansers apart from stabilizing the water level that is also badly needed for human survival. These trees will also remove other pollutants and they are the better solution to mitigate the effect of climate change yet contribution 100 percent on conserving the Magamba nature reserve and eastern arc mountains as a whole.

Methodology for implementing the project

The methodology that will be used is to consist of putting at the forefront youths who are the leaders of tomorrow to take part in sustainable protective measures and creations of superb ambassadors who will participate fully into conserving Magamba nature reserve and the world in general. Green School Project” encourages and demonstrates the essence of collective measures in the fight against climate change. It revamps lives in school children given that in our contemporary society a tree is life as well as binds together all socio-economic development initiatives that foster sustainable development and the MDGs.

Key success factor

Friends of Usambara Society shall work with heads of schools, environment clubs for the sustainability of the school forests and the village water management committee for the catchment. They shall oversee that all the trees planted by kids are taken care of.

Why Tree Planting by Children

Trees planted anywhere in the watershed help to improve water quality by slowing down storm water runoff and reducing soil erosion. They also help lessen flooding. In the woods, trees trap and use up excess nutrients. The forest floor is made up of many layers of decaying leaves, twigs and branches. The absence of trees that provide these organic materials to act as a natural sponge is completely absent. Forests are such an efficient infiltration system that they can filter six inches of water or more each hour. Trees s planted along the marshy plots will act as a buffer, retaining as much as 89% of the nitrogen and 80% of the phosphorous that runs off the adjacent land. Vegetation helps to stabilize the stream banks by reducing erosion caused by water, debris and direct rainfall. In addition, falling leaves decompose in the water and provide food for many aquatic insects that, in turn, becomes food for fish. Trees provide shade, food and cover for wildlife and brighten a drab landscape.

Who will take these actions?


The methodology that will be used is to consist of putting at the forefront youths who are the leaders of tomorrow to take part in sustainable protective measures and creations of superb ambassadors who will participate fully into conserving Magamba nature reserve and the world in general. Green School Project” encourages and demonstrates the essence of collective measures in the fight against climate change. It revamps lives in school children given that in our contemporary society a tree is life as well as binds together all socio-economic development initiatives that foster sustainable development and the MDGs.

Key success factor

Friends of Usambara Society shall work with heads of schools, environment clubs for the sustainability of the school forests and the village water management committee for the catchment. They shall oversee that all the trees planted by kids are taken care of.

Why Tree Planting by Children

Trees planted anywhere in the watershed help to improve water quality by slowing down storm water runoff and reducing soil erosion. They also help lessen flooding. In the woods, trees trap and use up excess nutrients. The forest floor is made up of many layers of decaying leaves, twigs and branches. The absence of trees that provide these organic materials to act as a natural sponge is completely absent. Forests are such an efficient infiltration system that they can filter six inches of water or more each hour. Trees s planted along the marshy plots will act as a buffer, retaining as much as 89% of the nitrogen and 80% of the phosphorous that runs off the adjacent land. Vegetation helps to stabilize the stream banks by reducing erosion caused by water, debris and direct rainfall. In addition, falling leaves decompose in the water and provide food for many aquatic insects that, in turn, becomes food for fish. Trees provide shade, food and cover for wildlife and brighten a drab landscape.

Where will these actions be taken?


The actions will be taken in the West Usambara Mountains at the community farming area and near by watersheet providing water to Lushoto town.

Watersheds have been under serious pressure from manmade activities, the pressure from farmers and grazers as well as the phenomenon of climate change continue to act as a threat to humanity. Furthermore, out of ignorance, farmers and grazers continue to practice “slash and burnt” commonly known as Uchomaji Moto Ovyo” as well as bushfire that act as agents of deforestation. Consequently, hundreds of hectares of indigenous forests are burnt down resulting to soil pollution, degradation and frequent water shortage.

The truth is that this problem could also be solved if children could plant trees in public places, schools and watersheds. It will raise awareness as well.  Besides, the pressure on the small patches of forest found in the watersheds have made them to disappear at a very geometric rate and it is evidence that we continue to lose trees the size of two football fields every year and the effects are already heavy and drastic in our villages.

The issue at stake is that these activities lead to pollution, soil degradation, dry-off springs/wetlands and frequently drastic water shortage. Poverty, scarcity of water, drought, and floods, poor harvests, soil erosion etc seem to take control of the future of our dynamic population. To salvage the situation, children have to be motivated to plant trees. This project if implemented will boost natural resource management and stimulate every child to plant a tree.  Above all, communities will understand during the implementation phase of the project that it is not by pouring libations in drying-off streams that water will come back, it is only through planting trees, eradicating eucalyptus in watersheds and wetlands that the drastic changes could be overcome

What are other key benefits?


Description of the beneficiaries

The targeted project beneficiaries of the project proposal are local communities, Magamba nature reserve and government, the four school schools and over 20,000 people livings in Lushoto town.

Local communities will be the beneficiaries of the project; local people will be integrated in the project with the direct and indirect employment in the youth by establishing environmental business in their villages.

What are the proposal’s costs?


Budget  summery


1.Problem Identification/clubs identification  850.00

2.Establish tree nurseries, in the three schools and Organize training of tree raising, planting and maintenance 4845.00

3.Distribute 10  tree seedlings to each pupils  and the rest  to be given to the 500 house hold for each family member to pant almost 10 seedlings on the farmland  adjacent to Magamba Nature reserve and 400 species to Jegetal water source: 3255.00                                   

4:Monitoring the performance of activities and assessing impact of project activities;530.00

5;prepare and install signboards  for awareness raising about  project: 520.00

GRAND TOTAL; 10000.00

Time line


Planed activities

Establish tree nurseries, in the three schools and  Organize training of tree raising, planting and maintenance;   

June 2013

Distribute 10  tree seedlings to each pupils  and the rest  to be given to the 500 house hold for each family member to pant almost 10 seedlings on the farmland  adjacent to Magamba Nature reserve 

November 2013

To plant tree around to conserve Water sources in Lushoto Jegetal; Measured by 400 indigenous species planted by school kids and villagers around this water source

Number of farmers trained

To prepare and install signboards and leaflets for awareness raising about  the  project 

Number of billboards and leaflets

July , 2014

Related proposals



Mr Rashid

Lushoto District Forest Officer

Cell +255 784495534

Mr: Shemkunde Francis Thomas

Development Specialist in  Community Banks

Box 151


Cell +255 683096320 / 0714 70 6320

Mr: Madiwa Yassin Hozza

 Friends of Usamba Program coordinator

Cell:+255 787 094725

Mr; Kibungi Yassin Kibungi

Forest Officer TAFORI

Cell +255 713788891