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Global scrapbook of ideas and images - please add to it!

Have you seen a great idea or inspiring image that shows a way forward with the climate and the economy? It could be one of yours or just one you admire. If you're not ready to get involved with a new or existing proposal then please add things here that you're happy to share with the community and see included in proposals in future. 

Examples of content you could include in this scrapbook

Policies and 'what to do' proposals. Strategies and approaches.  World-views and visions. Breakthrough technologies. Social innovations and processes. Organisations and movements with special potential. Something that the world has missed so far. How to overcome big obstacles. References to useful ideas and studies. Pictures and video that can be shared openly. 

Please see also the National scrapbook of ideas and images.

This is an open collaboration

  1. Please add content below.

  2. Sign your input with your profile name and link (see 'my profile' at top of the page).
  3. Others may edit it or use it in proposals.
  4. CoLab moderators will be involved and help as needed - find us here by clicking on 'moderators'. 
  5. You can also ask questions below :-)
  6. Thanks!