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2011 Judges

Oct 11, 2011


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Overall assessment: Interesting project, but narrow in focus. Linkage to urban forests was also not entirely clear. Judges’ comments and suggestions for improvement: - The need for a cheap system of tracking buses is definitely good but I am not sure what the contribution of the social forestry scheme is. This proposal also has a narrow focus on one aspect of the economy. - Project targets optimization of regional transport system in Ghat mountains in India. Good idea, but climate impact probably very small.

Nishadh K.a.

Oct 13, 2011


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Many thanks for your review, I would like to add some points for clarification. 1) The proposal is intended to be narrow focused. The reason behind is, a) It is looking for workable model of resilient economy which can be acquired through linking with ecosystem. Practical implementation (.."safe fail experimental" implementation...) within year or so is the aim of the proposal. As an initial measure it need to concentrate on at least for couple of community components. It is actually intended to concentrate on single state highway in the Coimbatore region to implementing component 1- social concern on urban forestry and component 2- networking of public transport buses. Because the urban forestry component in that highway is in immediate verge of collapse. b) The second reason is strong belief on localized implementation for its own sustainability and grass root reaching, specifically based on "Thing globally and act locally". c) The linkage between component 1 and component 2 is very simple, it is the same umbilical cord relationship between us with nature. I admit that as an writer of proposal I couldn't able to express it clearly, simply and understandably. Intention is that, if the relationship is not in public sphere or mind it need to be just created. By doing so, it hopes to achieve needed resilience for components of socio-ecosystem and economy at large. 2) This proposal concern the service of component 2 (information about real time location of buses) as an incentive for community based creation of component 1. a) Surely, the web of things as in this case networking of buses will be going to happen within a half decade. Big companies will be going to pump billions of dollars for that. By this top down implementation, advertisement based conventional business model of internet services is going to be persist and that would makes intended linkage creation between nature and social system be severely hampered. b) It requires alternative business model for its intended sustainability of its own sake and promise of its resilience against climate crisis. Model well practiced by open source initiatives will be the best to follow. By that it can provide internet of things services by requesting for concern or linkage on nature from its users not on mere product advertisement. c) This again warrant the need of bottom up, community based implementation and kick starting of it by focusing on few aspects. 3) We have an idea to add one more component in the proposal. Real time monitoring of pollution profile of Coimbatore urban roads. It can be implemented as low cost by using the already available traffic surveillance camera. for methodology please refer 1. C. J Wong et al., “Temporal air quality monitoring using surveillance camera,” in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007. IGARSS 2007. IEEE International (presented at the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007. IGARSS 2007. IEEE International, IEEE, 2007), 2864-2868. 2. 1. Y R Kolupula et al., “Airborne particle monitoring with urban closed-circuit television camera networks and a chromatic technique,” Measurement Science and Technology 21 (November 1, 2010): 115204.;jsessionid=15774BD737FE3E03FCA1EA9874722E8E.c3 We hope it will provide immediate relief on climate crisis by linking with India's ambitious emission trading scheme. As an kick start the information infrastructure envirocloud provide real time information about pollution profile and component 1 and 2 acts as investment opportunity for polluters to achieve their Environmental Balance index or make their pollution payment. Component 1 will have another functionality to acts as public (third party) auditor of these mechanisms.