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Michal Monit

Sep 6, 2017


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Dear Mahesh, 

It would be very helpful if you could repost the image you mention in the description (which is placed in the thumbnail of the headline) into the body of the text - I did not notice it at first!

I think you propose a very curious configuration! Have you tried doing some CFD modeling on it? I think it might suffer from wake generation lowering efficiencies, beautifully depicted here

Also I'm not sure if a single shaft could withstand buckling from changing loads and turbine displacements because of waves arriving at different angles. Maybe soft connectors, rather than rigid one could help?

Finally, I'm wondering if maybe the single shaft setup could be reused somewhere... 

Mahesh Khati

Sep 7, 2017


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1) I will try to add pictures of miniature working model & other drawing in the proposal. ( I was unable to post all that here)

2) As there are parallel continuous shafts supported at multiple points problem of buckling will not create a problem in this model but will create compactness due to multiple attachment points.

3) Sea can fully satisfy our need for energy if properly tap.

Betsy Agar

Sep 10, 2017


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Hi Mahesh, this is an interesting introduction to a difficult problem. Can you tell me how the "raft" of turbines is anchored so that it orients appropriately to maximize wind capture?

Mahesh Khati

Sep 12, 2017


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Important question. This problem has 3 solutions 

1)Fixed raft:- If direction of air flow is generally fixed for example land ward side or sea ward side then fixed raft can be used. In this case this floating raft is fixed & will not change its direction and properly anchor to sea bottom by chain.

2)Raft optimizing energy generation by mechanically orienting raft :- In this case turbine are attached at the end points of big floating raft run automatically & shut down and orient raft mechanically in the direction of wind. This turbine will use partial small power of huge energy generated by compact wind turbines mounted on raft.

3)Automatic orientation of raft:- This can be done like kite orient in sky in the direction of wind. This whole raft is tied to the bottom of sea at one hing point which is free to rotate by multiple chains. Whole raft will automatically orient it self in the direction of wind due to wind pressure.