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We need to provide to farmers the farming bests practices based on agricultural weather information in form of SMS via their mobile phones











In africa over 70 percent of population are working in agriculture where the rate of population are increasing in high addition to lack of necessary information on best farming practice and necessary capital to invest in agriculture,farming activities are  facing many challenges like climate change and is here AgriGO is here to help farmers to work that problem.

AgriGO is an online platform that has two part:AgriGO Web and griGO USSD.

AgriGO WEB part are used by those entity that deal with many farmers like cooperatives,farming association or farming company by linking to them via USSD part used by farmers using computer.

the last one are working using short code currently here in Rwanda we use *950#  to access it on mobile we are focusing on planning agriculture based to weather information  and farming practices based to environmental protection and to climate change  where the agriculture weather forecast information are sent to farmers before starting a season and the  best practices are provided to farmers via their mobile phones.

This content of best practices are based on soil information seeds requirement and finally the reminding message are sent to farmers according to update of weather information in that region.we need to work with different organization deal with climate updates across the word where here in Rwanda we work with Rwanda meteorological center which provide us the updates on weather information that have an effect on agriculture 

Our solution can help small holder farmers to produce more and to adapt working in pressure of climate change for ensuring food security

What actions do you propose?

In farming practice inefficient use of chemical fertilizers contribute to soil degradation and depletion so here AgriGO are working on Physical action that  will include better farming practices where we need to launch  the soil testing tool  as a device that will provide the soil testing services in the community and help farmers to know  the current composition of soil  in terms of soil nutrients and to budget  the quantity to supply compared to the seeds all advisory content will be based on soil testing at the end farming method that are in line with soil protection will be provided to farmers via their mobile phones 

Who will take these actions?

Our key actors are

Farmers association or cooperatives

at the level of cooperatives or association they will use our platform to records the names of farmers who work under the association or cooperative name and all advisory content will be sent to the mobile phones of farmers  in the name of his or her association or cooperative( Customized SMS)

Farming companies

The farming company will be able to provide to their beneficiaries (farmers) the best practices that are in line with farming environment protection

individual farmers 

will be able to benefit from our application the weather information that can help him or her to plan his farming activities 

all this actions will be realized by working with different organization that deal with weather forecast like example of Rwanda meteorological center in our country(government entity).at the end we will work with any organizations that can play roles in dissemination of information that can play role in improving climate change.

Where will these actions be taken?

AgriGO are currently working in Rwanda  where we work with farmers especially those who belong in cooperatives so for here we customized farming practices that are prepared at the level of cooperatives and we put in SMS format in order to sent it to the mobile phones of their members.and we hope to expand the project globally especially in where climate change affect significantly the farming activities 

What are other key benefits?

Our solution is in line with Job creation where different cooperatives are hiring managers to use our application and different agents will get jobs for providing the soil testing services to their community and the solution will improve the sustainability of the the soil use including increasing production which will end by  fighting against food security 

What are the proposal’s costs?

Phase 1

Project development costs in six months

Platform developer( 3):1000$/One

Agronomist/team and customer Advisor (1):1000/Month

Board director(2):1200$/Month

Rent office:250$/Month

Electricity 60$/Month

Airtime 20$/Month

Total:21180$/6 Month

Phase 2

Project testing in one season (6 month)

Marketing services (4 agents) :1000$/One in one month

Transport:300$ /Month



Advertisement :2000$/Month 

Call center :2000/Month


Cost of production in 6 Month=cost of software development+Cost of Software testing=21180+57000=78180$





Time line

Between 5 to 15 years  this project will be based in eastern African country where it will enhance IT solutions in farming and especially dealing with climate change concerned with agriculture

Between 15 to 50 years this project will be focused on Scalability of our action all over the word especially in Africa where climate change affect mostly agriculture sector

Between 50-100 years this project will have its own meteorological centers across the world which will be work on worldwide climate updates that are affecting agriculture sector

Related proposals

There is no such proposal that are related to ours


for more information on our project you can visit our websitewww.agrigo.rwwhich is an online platform that are used by different entities to access on our services