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superfiduciary sponsorship of a planned early retirment of our existing fossil-based energy infrastructure



Mobilize institutional stewards of superfiduciary funds to sponsor a series of evergreen private equity transactions that take fossil fuel companies out of Public Markets Ownership, with its Growth Imperative, and place them into stewardship hands, for a planned early retirement of our existing fossil-based energy infrastructure that is sized and timed to match the new construction of a replacement energy infrastructure, and also to the regeneration of superfiduciary funds invested in the retirement, jobs that will be lost to the economy in consequence of the retirement, and damage to ecosystems that will be unavoidable as we make our way through that retirement process.

Starting with coal.

What actions do you propose?

Who will take these actions?

Lawyers, economists, business strategists, climate activistis, community activists, labor activists, climate scientists, energy scientists, energy systems engineers and energy utilities come together to articulate a vision for what is needed to design a new energy infrastructue that can replace the existing fossil-based energy infrastructure and to develop a plan for achieving that vision.

As the vision takes shape, a consortium of superfiduciaries is assembled to participate in sponsoring a series of evergreen private equity transactions for taking fossil fuels out of the public markets, beginning with coal.

Fossil fuel companies who are liberated from the Growth Imperative of the Public Markets Ownership model are transitioned into a planed early retirement that is sized and timed to match the new construction of the replacement energy infrastructure envisioned as above, and also to the regeneration of the superfiduciary capital invested to finance that retirement, the jons that will be lost to the economy and society in consequence of that retirement and the ecosystems that will be unavoidably harmed as we make our way through that retirement process.

Where will these actions be taken?

This can begin in the US.

How will these actions have a high impact in addressing climate change?

What are other key benefits?

What are the proposal’s costs?

Time line

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