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Forests provide a lot of diverse benefits to societies...



Besides the fact that wood processing and forest products provide significant contributions to the development of national economies, forests play a major role in maintaining the natural ecological balance.

Forests substantially contribute to reducing soil erosion and landslides. The protective role of the forests is of vital importance for Moldova because of substantial alternating temperatures that occur, frequent droughts and shortage of water, lands ‘propensity to slides and a decrease in soil fertility up to 40-50% due to the erosion processes. The multitude of benefits conditioned by forests is inexhaustible. A reckless attitude towards the forest’s role for the ecological balance may cause irrecoverable damages with a very serious negative impact on the welfare of the modern society and, to a greater extend, on the future of the next generations. For this reason, sustainable forests and forest vegetation management became a priority for individual countries and for the global community in general; again, it becomes extremely important because it provides the protection of the environment for our descendent to inherit it. 

On December 14, 2012, the Vorniceni Village Council, Republic of Moldova, approved a decision(nr. 8/16) concerning changing the destination of a land area for the purpose of arranging of a square, this constituting  one of the objectives of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Vorniceni village. Part of this land was planted with trees some 40 years ago but there has been a lack of appropriate care which is reflected in the deplorable condition they are currently in. 

The Decision of the Village Council to plant trees on the respective public plot was taken due to the mutual initiative of the local civil society and the "Terra-1530" NGO.  From the very start more partners were committed to finding a solution for a community problem of global importance.


Which proposals are included in your plan and how do they fit together?

It is an opportunity for more than 5000 inhabitants of Vorniceni village to participate in the project implementation particularly those working abroad that may contribute financially. 2. There are more and more discussions about ecological education in Moldova (Romania, Ukraine) today but there is a stringent lack of a real model. The respective square, arranged in Vorniceni with the participation of international experts, may become such a model. It may become a best practice for local public administration, because it is for the first time in the history of the village when all the people will have the opportunity to be involved in an activity.  3. As the village high-school is located in the neighborhood of the plot it will make possible to have outdoor lessons in the square, especially biology and other outdoor activities. 4. Short videos will be posted on YouTube for the purpose of showing the activities that will take place in the square. 5. The continuity of the project is guaranteed because according to our experts at least 5-8 years are necessary for the completion of the square arrangement work.

Explanation of the emissions scenario calculated in the Impact tab

The forestation will constitute our response to the Global Warming phenomenon.                                                                                                                                  

The forestation of the above mentioned land area is a part of the Social-Economic Development Strategy of Vorniceni village for the following 20 years.    


What are the plan’s key benefits?

The main idea is to reconstruct the square in Vorniceni Village in the way to create a beautiful place for rest and to provide new work places. The long-term goal is developing of a green area with an international importance. The short – term goal is to make an ecological inspection to cut the old and damaged trees and to plant the new ones (autumn). The global idea is to create an example of a square, having as a back fought that creating such squares in the entire counties can wide the green spaces and provide their sustainability. In order to complete the project we need both financial and human resources. As human resources are involved people from the village. The project will be started in autumn 2015 and has some several steps: creating of roads, small architectural forms, creating of a fence, planting and creating of flowerbeds. The provision of the appropriate care is also stipulated by the plan.

What are the plan’s costs?

$85,100.00 Goal. The forestation of the 2,65 ha area is to begin in 2016-2018.                                                  

Objectives: 1. Preparation of the village citizenry, over 5,000 people, to make  decisions related to  environmental problems by involving them in volunteer activities such as the installation of a metallic fence surrounding the square as well as setting up an information panel, dustbins, benches, sidewalks and lamps throughout the plot; 2. Providing knowledge about Vorniceni village by distributing  the "Adevarul" publication ("The Truth"); 3. Posting short videos on YouTube; and 4.  Holding international conferences with Romanian and Ukrainian partners to promote similar activities.    

What are the key challenges to enacting this plan?

The main problem we are trying to solve consists of two main points: lack of work places for youth and lack of green spaces for rest.

  The development of the project is going to be done in several steps: creating of a project (already done), building of small architectural forms (pergolas, pavilions, benches, and fountain) and walk roads; planting of trees, and creating of flowerbeds, providing of wireless Internet.   The main customers who will benefit of the solution are villagers and of course every person coming to visit the place for having a rest. Another profit is further appearance of similar green zones all other the world. An indirect profi t of such places is providing of a new way of thinking and perception of the world by the youth.   

   From the very start more partners were committed to finding a solution for a community problem of global importance.    


If we speak about the innovative sides of our project we can mark that no country in the world has samples of such projects.   Thereby we can be an international example for creating of such squares all other the world, that by-turn will initiate in landscape gardening of a planet.

More other creating of green zones like this provides sustainability of green spaces and unification of all existing green zones, which in such counties as Moldova are placed separately one from another.

  The results of creating of a square are really influential. First of all these are creating of a place for rest, cleaning of a territory, new work places, unification and broadening of green spaces.   



Related plans

Plan to measure results. Over a period of free years after planting of square the representatives of Forest Research Institute will control the plantation and its quality. Also there will be supplied the necessary care of all the planted trees and shrubs. For providing of this care we will involve people from the village (new work places for youth).

Creation of a square will also provide the exchange of experience with other countries, which allows us to involve new financial resources at an international level.
