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Ian Adelman

Apr 23, 2014


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I will be adding to this proposal to make it complete as soon as possible. If you are interested in collaborating please let me know.

Shawn Hesse

May 4, 2014


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Hi Iana - Thanks for submitting your proposal! Here are a few of my thoughts for ways you might build the proposal up; 1) Be as specific as possible about the strategies communities could implement to build this capacity prior to disasters. 2) Consider how your proposal would apply to the full scale of urban development around the world; both large and small cities in developed and developing economies. Are there different strategies for each? Does your proposal only apply to a specific type of community? 3) Some additional organizations that are doing work in this arena: The Red Cross, UNISDR, FEMA 4) Some additional sociology research about disaster response in groups and communities; Quarantelli EL. The sociology of panic. In: Smelser N, Baltes PB, eds. International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. New York, NY: Pergamon, 2001:11020–30. Dynes RR, Tierney KJ, eds. Disasters, collective behavior and social organization. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1994. Fischer HW. Response to disaster: fact versus fiction and its perpetuation. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994. Johnson NR. Panic and the breakdown of social order: popular myth, social theory, and empirical evidence. Sociological Focus 1987; 20: 171–83. Hope that helps, good luck!

Maryette Haggerty Perrault

May 17, 2014


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iana - this is definitely a unique approach to urban resiliency. I particularly appreciate that the intermediary step on the way to proactively combat climate change involves leveraging the positive collaboration between people just trying to help in the wake of disaster. Just as you said, climate change is contributing to the increased frequency of natural disasters. As these ever increasing tragedies cause further devastation, enabling disaster response to seamlessly flow into mitigation of future events - aka stoping the advancement of climate change - does seem quite logical. How do you see this being implemented? Is it an online community? Are material resources being stockpiled in strategic locations for disaster response? How are disaster responders continually engaged to begin becoming involved with climate change activities? Can this work the other way - can climate change activists be engage in disaster response? I like the idea and would love to see where you take it!

Vishal Bhavsar

Jun 11, 2014


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Hello Iana, Thanks for your proposal. Few thoughts from my side on the proposal. 1. My comments would is to be more specific on your objective and actions. For example try to bring how technology like smartphone can be used to create local groups who would be active in doing regular checks on the systems as well as emergency response. If you have seen fire drill for any office or building, they identify fire wardens for each section and floor of buildings. They have responsibility to do basic due diligence of the area regularly and during drill they have the responsibility to escort people in their marked area to the assembly points. Also during emergency they have responsibilities assigned. You can think of developing similar protocols and responsibility in case of emergencies like floods, hurricane. The city mayor can be the ultimate incharge and she/he can drive it at the top and review systems for their ward. 2. Create network of NGOs and experts who work at grass root level. They would provide expert guidance on how to operationalize these systems as well as challenges that can come across when these framework are proposed and implemented. I request you to think on these lines and build your proposal. Looking forward to review completed proposal.

Mukesh Gupta

Jun 18, 2014


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Great idea! Only compassionate action from and within society can overcome the mass and scale of natural and man-made disasters. The approach you suggest is novel however needs much more detail to provide pathways to approach the problem strategically.

Abigail Derby Lewis

Jun 19, 2014


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Wonderful idea and start to the proposal. The reader would benefit from a deeper understanding of how the coordination and implementation would happen. I look forward to reading your final proposal!

Tomas Brage

Jun 20, 2014


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Thank you for your proposal! Based on the great comments you have received so far, I will just add that you could think of a framework design that could include all the collective effort and willingnes to help into one communitary scheme. How would you make possible a more integrated response to disasters? In short, envisioning a solution to a problem like this is crucial but a tool to accomplish it is decisive. I look forward seeing your ideas develop further soon!

Carolina Collaro

Jun 20, 2014


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Hi, I find your proposal interesting especially in the part, congenial to me, that recognize the need to remember the disasters and to build a kind of registry of what happened. In Italy, we are working on that and it would be interesting to compare your idea, if you will further develop these aspects, on what is actually implementing in the Italian case.Regards!

Fay Darmawi

Jun 28, 2014


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I support this idea. identify existing community leaders with strong presence in neighborhoods. Train them in disaster planning relief. Religious organizations, community police units, non-profit social service organizations, schools already function as unifying forces in many communities Leverage their existing networks and connections.

Huynh Phu Dat

Jul 20, 2014


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It's nice to see a lot of proposals base on communities , social networks , ......... . Come on , guys . Can you create a community better than Green peace ? Green peace is very famous organization with millions members , and the result until now is they can't solve climate change . Climate change is problem of 7 billions , not some millions , unless your community is 7 billions so they can solve climate change , some millions solve problem of some millions . Disaster communities should contain 7 billions members to solve climate change . Try your best and you will have 7 billions community of disaster communities , thing that even green peace can not do . Good luck !!!

Climate Colab

Aug 6, 2014


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"This is s great idea, but there has not been any link made to local government. I would think the most successful similar such organisations/movements are well linked with city officials. I find that details are missing, and it is unclear how it will create the impact they seek. To start from very humble beginnings it may or may not succeed. I think some catalytic steps are missing - the how." "I love storytelling, and appreciate it as a mechanism for engaging community members. Restoration Theatre work at Univ of Southern California is a good example. However, I don't believe this proposal is aggressive enough in reaching out and connecting with communities of need. It proposed only modest growth over 5 years, so the impact seems small. More persuasive to me would be to have the group dive into a community of need and draw out their stories. Create a process. Since this is a local group, the Boston Marathon bombing would be a place to start. As presented, the proposal seems more about these two storytellers, and not the potential storytelling of the communities they would like to serve."