Climate Colab Aug 6, 2014 12:31
Novelty: 4/5 Development of a mobile app (on iOS and Android platforms) to record and store geo-referenced land use data.
Workability: 2/5 Very little information is provided about the actual app and its proposed development.
Effectiveness: 3/5 Accurate local data on land use is useful, but must lead to other actions to have an impact on climate change.
Thoroughness: 2/5 The proposal lacks a plan, budget, and timeline for developing the app.
Presentation: 2/5 Needs better description of the proposed app, the process for developing it, and the benefits of its use.
(1) It is a very complete list of items that are addressed in this presentation. The plan is focused on Traverse Data Collection process that already exists. It plans to apply it worldwide.
(2) There is no information on costs that are determined on a case by case basis.
(3) It notes that by recording the attributes in Traverse App the actors would be able to accurately measure vegetation loss over time and be able to mitigate the loss of vegetation and increase the carbon sink potential of the local land region. However, there is no information about the range of emissions reductions.