2015 Proposal Workspace 2018
In this workspace, you can submit proposals outside of the contest periods. Proposals entered in this Workspace can be included as sub-proposals in the contests that seek climate action plans for the US, EU, China, India, Other Developed Countries, Other Developing Countries, or the World as a whole.??Try out new ideas, connect with other members, recruit collaborators, share your work, engage support, and invite a global community to review and help develop your proposal. ??When the next round of Climate CoLab contests begins, you can move your proposal from here to any relevant contest. ??All submissions are welcome: technologies, policies, products, public outreach campaigns, educational programs, community projects; new ideas or improvements on something that already exists; addressing climate change mitigation, adaptation, or geoengineering; local, regional, national, or global in scope. See the Climate CoLab taxonomy for the full scope of actions, places and actors. Read more…