The Caribbean Civil Society Partnership by BridgeCaribbean
Dr. Alexander Aylett Jun 15, 2013 04:50
This looks like a great idea. Thanks for contributing it to the Climate CoLab. As you know, midnight tonight (Eastern Standard Time) is the deadline. So if you have anything that you wanted to add or change, now is the time!
L M Jun 15, 2013 07:20
| Proposal contributor
Thanks for the comment and also to you and the other Fellows for answering my questions this week. It was very helpful.
Really enjoy seeing everyone's proposals. It's a great competition - bringing together people that work on technology and policy processes. The two communities can be surprisingly separate.
2013civilsocietyadaptationjudges 2013civilsocietyadaptationjudges Jun 29, 2013 07:04
This a very well-presented and feasible proposal. We were impressed by the comprehensive timeline and budget you’ve outlined!
Our feedback for finalizing your proposal:
• Have you accounted for in-person events? Internet platform is great for exchange among different stakeholders and across multiple countries, but there is also much value in face-to-face interactions.
L M Jul 15, 2013 02:27
| Proposal contributor
Thank you for your feedback. We couldn't agree more: in-person events are crucial.
We have updated our proposal to make this more apparent. Our two year timeline and budget zeros in on the necessary mapping, consultations and outreach; but afterwards we will seek additional funds to run field trips to local CBA projects and an annual, regional workshop. This is also where partnerships with other organizations (outlined in the proposal) will be invaluable to help coordinate meetings. We will also be working with the inter-governmental Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5Cs) which provides a fruitful partnership for joint workshops down the line between civil society groups and the 5Cs' government contacts.
Thank you again!
2013civilsocietyadaptationjudges 2013civilsocietyadaptationjudges Jul 29, 2013 02:36
Great job incorporating judges' feedback on in-person events