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Q:How should national economies evolve through 2100, given the risks of climate change? A:Simple:build ONE 'Global' ARK!! @ClimateCoLab SOS♥



Proposals originate in Europe, but follow guidelines which require that they are replicable & inclusive to suit anyone, anywhere.  

Ark was originally built to sustainably float a rurally (excluded) community - to ensure & 'guarantee' a:N/Y predicted turnover for a social/enterprise - at a time of International/Global (economical + environmental) Recession.

"The ONLY solution is total inclusion". (Quote given to Global Ark Projects by Patrick, aged 14 years.)
"ALL children need the chance to live!"
(Global Ark Projects is built conceptually as a social enterprise {NET4NON} - for the sake of the children.)

 (The Earth graphic used as a ‘Location Plan’ was bought from, and edited using ‘Keynotes’ software.)


A:  All Inclusive (Ecological)

R:  Replicable & Regenerative

K:  Kinetic (Energy) & Kinesthetic (Learning Practically - by Experience)


The more people who climb onboard the Ark, the better 'IT' floats!

Executive summary


Summary Flowchart-Graphic:


The above graphic was prepared using ‘Art Text’ software, ‘Photoshop Elements’ and ‘Keynotes’ Software on a MacBook.


(The tree of life, is that invisible thread of life, which connects us all together - just as much as it is the interconnection of all cells, which depend upon each other in any system, in any Eco-System's 'body' of structure.)


The ‘Tree of Life’ is formed from the roots by which 'IT' evolved. 

I formed Ark's flowchart graphically as a tree, after it was suggested by my sister. (Ark's proposals have been formed by such consensual inclusion.) 


Having worked in the commercial world of banking, my sister was surprised when I put myself at its base, rather than the top. 


I explained that each tree grows from the seed which gave birth to its formation, and as such, my role is no more than that of 'an acorn'. 


Basically, Global Ark Projects is the title of an Ecological Design for a social enterprise, which offers total inclusion - and a float to ensure that all the non-profit sector is able to support the causes of their own formation. 


The Ark Directory, is conceptually designed to list all the best Eco-Designs on the market, and to list all the non-profit organisations which offer viable and affordable design solutions - and those which need floating to help others float by default.


The branches of the tree, represent chapters in The Ark Directory - and 'The Tree Ark Project', is my own Eco-Village community, from which inception grew the Eco-Ethical business plan, forming Global Ark Projects.


Ark is built of all the feedback given by everyone in my grassroots network, and its form is shaped by all the Eco-Ethical design solutions available - researched online since 2003, and continually changing as more solutions are spread across the table of Earth.


Please: If you read this submission & think it needs editing - please join the team & help me.  (Thank You!)


Please Note that If Global Ark Projects floats through Climate Co-Lab:

As the whole basis of Ark's design, is to showcase all the viable Eco-Ethical design solutions and concepts, all other entries submitted, would be included in The Ark Portal of Innovations - ‘branch’, of The Ark Directory by default; As it is a partnering of all such innovations and innovators, which provides the total inclusion needed to be able to float children/life through the storm of climate change. (AND to meet the Planning Guidelines which require that proposals offer total inclusion.)


Currently, inventors, innovators, designers, artists & researchers - have to be 'big' to get any investment (E.G.  They have to have money to make up a % of the deposit and/or be able to open a business bank account for their enterprise - or SOCIAL enterprise.)


If you have no business bank account, you can't get a grant.


If you've built a showcase community, from the sofa in the living room - in a house which you can't afford to rent without benefits & top-ups, how do you showcase and do the job of your enterprise?


Simple - put it onto a laptop in readiness to show the gallery.  (Please see 'The Designshop' Graphic below:) - Under "What Now".



As an Ecological Design based on the Eco-System of Earth, if any element were excluded, it would not balance Ecologically - hence all here shown, are only a small percentage of the total research into: Poverty, Housing Need, Homelessness, Rural Poverty, Abuse, Single Parenthood, Sustainability, Climate Change, Pollution (air, land & sea/water), micro-organisms/micro-solutions, ozone, green-house gases,). (+ Renewable technologies, Innovations & Eco-Architecture from £0 and upwards.  Listing all non-profit solutions first, for total inclusion at GrassRoots first - in preservation of/& regeneration of the biodiversity {& diversity} of LIFE.)


Eco-Ethical designers often find it hard to find ethical investors, as commercial investors want to own the design & maximise their own profits.  Where all net profits are designed to float all the non profits, this goes against the whole ethos of a social enterprise.


The following words form a brief of the study of my full report & background to Ark community, as edited by Tony Smith MA, Architect & Lecturer in Sustainable Construction at the College of West Anglia/Anglia Ruskin University (WITH huge thanks & much appreciation!:)


To allow for total inclusion - everyone on Earth needs to be invited - in order to be included.


Eco-Hamlet/Eco-Village Radio, Community News (Emails, Websites, & printed on recycled paper in vegetable ink), Community Channel (Digital Radio), Planet 100, The TreeHugger Site, The Hunger Site, (BBC 'Green Community Channel'/Eco Co-Operative{?}), Etc.


Q:  Where do people go to access 'The Best' Eco-Ethical (Green) design solutions & innovations? - Especially supporting ALL Ethical Orgnisations? 


A:  The ARK Directory!  (NET4NON)


(E.G.  Ark Community will hope to stream on the 'Community Channel' on digital TV - but only having advertising in between broadcasts, showing pure & 'green' {Eco-Ethical} - as collated in readiness to launch The Ark Directory website - currently filling the MacBook [hence awful fan noise on narration on the film linked under 'Vision of the future under this proposal' as 'Ark Vision', 25 notebooks, bookmarks & websites - E.G. all the great people I'm connected with at + + + {}.)


Earth - Financial or Life Asset?

Global Ark Projects is a not-for-profit networking hub, which aims to place funds where they are needed to feed a grassroots response to global environmental change.

It has been formed by people, for people, and especially for children everywhere.

It supports a holistic approach to salvaging our planet home through the exchange of knowledge.

Where are we?

In spite of Agenda 21, the Brundtland Report 1987, Stockholm 1972, and a raft of environmental and ecological analyses from as far back as the 1950’s and 60’s, nothing has been completely or comprehensively orchestrated to respond to - or prevent, the suffering of human beings due to climate change.  Political responses offer only top-down proposals which are failing to involve the majority of people on this planet

As a caring parent, trying to provide my children with the opportunity of ‘A’ tomorrow, I know we all have to work together now, to try to rebalance this planet.  But I am fortunate.  What about all those who have no access to the resources needed to help their own children, now and in the future?

This is not about changing the shopping trends of those who care.  

WE will be (one) ‘directory’ with a social conscience, generating income through cooperative links; through non-profit distribution supporting Earth regeneration and irrigation, and by supporting people to reclaim affordable and sustainable lives in a rebalanced environment.

We need to further raise awareness of the problems we face in this World and would ask to be introduced to people who care as much as you.  What we are proposing requires seed capital to begin, for example, advertising and forging links with a search engine provider (or to form a green version of ‘Cloud IT’).  

Once operational our project will have a commercially viable income generator for its intended work.

We aim to establish restorative, ecological, sustainable community living projects, providing affordable homes to people who need them most, and who are prepared to work on innovative, restoration and land management programmes and then share their knowledge with others.

Comprehensive, inclusive and cooperative links are proposed, connecting individuals, families and organisations through a virtual hub which will be firmly rooted set at community level where it is needed the most, and where urgent action is needed for maximum effect and benefit for the Earth.

As an evolutionary concept; if the human species were a plant, would it really grow from its flowering head down to its roots?  With over 80% of the human plant as its root system, it was inadvisable to remove the Earth’s nutrients from the networking base on which all its life was dependant. 

This planet has been and is being raped of its resources.

A  grass-roots system is needed – a most appropriate term - to spread across all waste and dry land in order to begin healing our planet.  As single blades of grass in a desert, we are scorched, but as an interconnected, comprehensive and cooperatively linked network, we can turn the desert green.

We reject corporate and political solutions which promise much and deliver little as our climate changes.  We believe that change must begin at the roots – at the level of each individual human being.  It is a web of such people, their ideas, projects, energy and synergy that our project is all about. 

Not power to the people, but powered by the people.

(This is especially true in the provision of free green power - by all the people using eco-loos, anaerobic digesters, bio-gas plants and manufacturing Spirulina simultaneously through algae farming!)


What is Global Ark?


The concept of Global Ark was initiated by a feasibility study to form a sustainable community living project in Norfolk, which continues to be under development.  During this study it was noted that a Yale University project had been asking why so few people are living sustainably.

We all know, or think we know, about climate change, and many believe that the State recognizes the issues and the need to live sustainably. However, those who are trying to prepare plans and proposals for ecological buildings and sustainable community living projects (SCLPs) which can only be of environmental benefit, still encounter difficulties negotiating innovative and, sometimes, unusual proposals through the traditional consent processes in this country.

Parents the whole planet over are aware through theory or daily reality of the likely impact of climate change for the future of their children, and the millions suffering and dying due to the effects of climate change are already having their ‘Right to Life’ taken away from them.

The global commercial emphasis on profitability is itself unsustainable, and untenable for the planet’s population.  Minimising investments and maximising profit whilst seeing nature as an industrial resource is creating an imbalance which we will find hard, if not impossible to rectify.

Although United Nations Agenda 21, 1992, encourages the cooperation and inclusive policies which set to empower those suffering exclusion and deprivation, with specific reference to the role of women in sustainable community projects, the search to date for grant aid to establish Global Ark is proving difficult.  How do you establish a track record in order to attract funds when you need funds to establish a track record?

Global Ark and its projects aim to work below the level of the political or corporate – at the individual or small group level.  We present no threat to the aims of global idealists, just seek the opportunity to connect those of a like mind around the world who have something to give and who wish to learn from others about living sustainably, and re-learning the skills necessary to reduce our impact on the Earth.

It is the individual multiplied by millions that will save this planet.  It is Global Ark’s aim that we play a part in bringing about the networking information exchange culture that will allow this to happen.

Our concept of rural and urban regenerative, sustainable community living projects offers a new model for the future. It is about small scale, individualistic and ecological living with an opportunity to grow through knowledge exchange.  We aim to connect the rural and urban with the indigenous.  We will use technology – Pandora’s box is open – but to heal, not exploit.

Once  financially seeded and established, Global Ark Projects will generate the income needed through the Ark’s environmental and ethical directory and we will redistribute net profits to, amongst other objects:

·Form further restorative, self-sustainable community living projects - globally

·Support ‘water for all’ projects

·Support ‘education for all’ projects

·Support other third-sector organisations, charities and other NPDs

·Fund solar and wave powered desalination plants, feasibly providing water wherever possible to:

·Give a regular supply of clean drinking water to those in need

·Irrigate as much of the 41% total landmass currently classified as dryland

·Provide local industry where it is needed most, through sales of refined minerals extracted in desalination (table salt to lithium - itself needed for storage of solar energy)


The work of re-greening our planet incrementally will then have begun.

(The work of re-greening our planet excrement-ally, can be done through the use of Eco-Loos!)

Economically - if the Ark's Directory were available at (E.G. At virtual 'Community Hubs'') - and online, (similar to a cross between Wikipedia, Google and Cloud IT - or a merger of all as one 'Green' channel - with all the net profits going to float all the non profits, using Google as just one example, we could easily provide the money needed through net profits, to provide water to the world's population in just over one year!)

The United Nations bought out a new human right in 2011 - the right of life, to water.

Capturing methane and using it as free bio-gas, gives us the opportunity to create water through hydrogen.

Hydrogen can even be made in a solar winter - which is undoubtedly THE most dangerous threat to all life as a result of climate change.

Hydrogen powered De-Salination plants, not only produce a regular supply of clean water for drinking and irrigation - but salt for the roads covered with ice, as winter and summer temperatures get more extreme.

Communities can survive both environmental AND economic chaos, quite simply - by the amalgamation and incorporation, of as many renewable technologies and Eco-Homes built of (and manufactured) by a non-fossil fuelled industry.

What now?

First, I'm going to buy a mobile exhibition unit/office & gallery to 'show & tell' - concept graphic for 'The Designshop' as shown (linked) below:

(N.B.  Problem loading graphic on to Climate CoLab - will upload asap - if possible.)


Basically - as I've not got any land in the UK upon which to build my Eco-Village, I built one to float anywhere.

Based on "all the best" Eco-Villages/Eco-Hamlets & Eco-Design (& architectural) solutions which have already been approved and set planning precident.

Green Designs - which cut all the 'Red Tape'


WE also need to form a working partnership - as a team, as 'ONE' inclusive Ecological and Ethical co-operative collaboration.

One of the other reasons why none of the branches of my social enterprise hasn't got a bank account & an 'Incorporated' Formal Constitution, is that I've been waiting to get some Ethical business people/Ethical Investors to form the 'management committee' of the social enterprise.

As I'm running all fifteen organisations single-handed - and I can't open a bank account anyway, I've been waiting a team to form, to help me decide whether Global Ark Projects income generators, should run as either: a 'Community Interest Company', a Co-Operative (my favored preference, hence I bought the domain in readiness & set a mock-up website onto (its much easier to use than Joomla - although I prefer Joomla personally, because it too is Open Source. I don't write computer codes - and I really have no interest in learning that side of the website.  Weebly allows me to drag & drop different modules into the website.  They also load the website onto the server - which is another thing which I can't do, and nor can I afford a server!)

I've got lots more Ark domains than are already shown, but the templates need loading on Joomla - hence I'm asking for volunteers to help via - with great thanks to Neil Godfrey of Voluntary Norfolk for his help preparing this list!  And for joining me as a friend

Please therefore be aware that all websites are currently showing as 'concepts' - all is a 'work in progress'.

Across the world, there are thousands - if not millions - of such awesome concepts as those shown entered here at Climate CoLab.

(I know this - because its my job to do so - in order to best advise my clients/friends, as I work as an Eco {architectural} Design consultant.)

Some are already launched and can be seen working practically, and others still sit in concept form.

Other designs have already been granted 'Green Award' status, and some have even set Planning Precident/s.

The problem is, that people looking for solutions, have no way of finding the solutions quickly and easily - all have to be sourced individually. 

(It took me years to study all the research - and its my profession to do so.  I've listed my journey, to enable members of the wider public, to be able to access these design solutions without it taking them years.)

Potentially, it would be the merging of Global Ark Projects, with James 'Blindspotter's proposals to fix the system - as James designs 'systems' - which I don't, and the entry Open Source Information Age Economy - entered by Ted Schulman, which will allow the listing to be easily accessible to everyone.


Summary Graphic of The Problems:



Summary Graphic of The Solutions:


Summary Graphic of One Solution:

The above graphics were all prepared using Keynotes on a MacBook.

One Solution: was designed to express the benefits of renewable technologies, (such as Anaerobic Digestion), which can be used to 'power-up' in a self-sufficient manner - even working through the worst climate predictions - such as twelve years (+) of Solar Winter.



Partnering Team


Linda Beamish: Eco-Design Consultant, Architectural Designer and Ark-Building Social Entrepreneur. (Rural lone-parent with sole/soul responsibility of three dependents - and survivor.)

Founder of and

Eco (Ethical) Design Team - as named elsewhere in this document, and as shown on:

(Virtual & Intentional) Community as shown on:

E.G.  If Ark floats, Michelle (Fat Hens Organic Catering) wants to run one.  (Mike Broom [who used to run North Elmham Community's cafe] - said he would like to run another!:D) was originally formed by Linda Beamish in 2003 with Ron Peach, Project Manager CIOB.  We initiated to provide affordable (Eco) architectural plans virtually 'off the shelf' because we knew that we were heading into a world-wide economical and envionmental crisis.  (Plans costs from zero by Open Source, and upwards for tailor-made commissions).

Tony Smith MA, Architect & Lecturer in Sustainable Construction at the College of West Anglia/Anglia Ruskin University: taught the class that we were heading into this recession in 2003.  (& Edited 'Earth - Financial

We were taught that the construction industry needed to use building materials which were Ecological - and did not use more resources than were available. was formed to provide us with employment during this recession - so we could feed our families. ( was formed to network with other Ecological Designers, and show their work.)

N.B.  Websites are a work in progress, and all proposals are adapting in a fluid format to suit the problems and solutions as they change.

Wherever possible - WE all need to form the team together consensually.

Everyone we know, all our families and friends - and everyone who they know - who wants to live sustainably, and help others to do so.

Everyone at Wiser Earth (WE) - who understands, cares, and wants to make a difference - in order to allow everyone the opportunity to live/sustainably.  (And everyone who would prefer not to buy anything which was made by a child/slaves or in a sweatshop.)

Please also see the original team members whose help and advice was indispensible - most of whom would like to work alongside Eco-Designs and The Tree Ark Project in Partnering, at least on some Eco-Ark projects: 

All Non-Profit organisations, all NGOs, and charities, All friends - from ALL tribes - who want to live in affordable rural housing, in sustainable community living projects, in Eco-Hamlets, Eco-Villages, Eco-Towns and Eco-Cities.

Everyone - and all my friends from Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, My-Space, and all other social networking sites.

IT is our combined brain and conscience which forms a team capable of initiating all that is needing for total environmental sustainability, and a balanced Ethical, Ecological "Green" Economy.

Running along the lines of the prestigious example of Wikipedia, WE continue to add our knowledge in a consensual manner, until every single angle, problem, cause and solution has been met, covered and solved.

(Unfortunately, not everyone has the use of - nor wants to use - the Internet, hence this system is still limited and bound by our technology and the span of the signal of the satellites.)

WE need to ensure that everyone without the internet is also included democratically and consensually into OUR community, online - and on any site, via community radio, community TV, and community newspapers, music, theatre, performing arts, art, etc.

The more people onboard the Ark - the better IT floats!

So far, without any advertising, around 2000 members have joined Ark to help attract the help we need to float.



Description of the actions proposed and their anticipated outcomes.

As previously stated above, First - I need to buy an exhibition vehicle to move from Eco-Festival to Eco-Festival, Farm to Farm - or just go and have 'ONE' GIANT Skyped Eco-Festival, with Open Conference:

Inviting all in Eco-Designs Network, Local Authorities, Decision Makers, Social Enterprises etc, to join in a 'virtual conference' - linked live by Skype - as exampled by

Showing all the Eco-Village (Network) Communities which set planning precident - together with all the other sustainable design solutions - to the local authorities, for consideration for ALL pieces of Council's Asset Land.

Asking ALL decision makers, to consider the evidence as previously considered by other Local Authorities, and offer them the opportunity of discovering how many people in their area would like to live:

Rent Free

Electricity (bill) Free

Heating (bill) Free

Water (bill) Free

Sewage (bill) Free

(And grow their own/community organic food = FREE food too!)

Working part-time for the land-owner/E-Co-Op in exchange for the above, and the ability to live WITHOUT needing to claim any benefits or top-ups to balance their low wages.

N.B.  Please note that all people would be free to spend the rest of their time running their own businesses, studying for qualifications/training, or potentially working full-time for the E-Co-Op and earning a wage ontop of the free 'tied' accommodation.

People would be able to stay for as long as they wanted - or were welcomed by any Eco-Village/Eco-Resort.

WE load ALL our research findings onto The Ark Directory, under the section entitled 'The Ark Communities Project', and we can provide enough Open Source information to turn the green lights on overnight.  (Some Ecological Desigs solutions to help rural communities become sustainable don't even need planning consent.)

N.B.  I need help loading all mine.  Volunteers list written (very kindly) by Neil Godfrey (during his holidays!!) - Development Officer at Voluntary Norfolk. List is loaded under the 'Jobs' Section on (The film link

All the bookmarked links, RSS feeds, YouTube videos and PDFs from my research (and other team members) need loading into the Ark's Directory - with all non-profits cross-loaded back into Ark's Projects.  (This will allow everyone with internet access the opportunity to find all they need to live sustainably, because they won't have to scour the internet, it will all be collated in one place to help them to fast-track into a sustainable lifestyle.  The aim being for end users of renewable technologies to provide their feedback, so others will know the reliability and viability of the products and services in Wikipedia.)

If any of our proposals save any farm, land-owner or council loads of money - or provides any business with increased revenue, we simply ask that monies saved and commissions earned, together with donations for this work, goes to Global Ark Projects.

Global Ark Projects will then re-distribute all the net profits earned, straight back to help float more 'Ark' (type) sustainable Eco-communities, which are primarily based on previously approved exemplars of sustainable design - which were themselves designed to be replicable again and again, i.e.:

The Centre for Alternative Technologies (CAT in Wales):

The Earthship Community Buildings at Brighton and at Fife in Scotland: in Fife, and the Low Carbon Trust community in Brighton as shown on:

The Eden Project (Wessex):

The Findhorn Eco-Village:

The Hockerton Housing Project:

The Lammas Project in Pembrokeshire, Wales:

The above are zero carbon, to Presitgious Build Code 6 - hailed as 'Beacons' for others to follow by their local authorities, and offer free information to help others form sustustainable communities.

Behind most of the above, lies:

The Permaculture Organisation - Which organicaly designs Permanent Agriculture systems:  (Degrees are available through the Permaculture Organisation, via - with whom I'm connected by Twitter, in readiness to study practically in and for life, for a Permaculture degree as soon as I live on any site.) 

Eco-Villages:  and globally: 

The CoHousing Organisation:

The Confederation of Co-Operative Housing:

The Land has been protected, organically managed and retained for sustainable communities and farms, by:

Community Land Trusts, CLTs: (Which in East Anglia, are available through Phil Rose at Foundation East:

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, (WWOOF Schemes):

Please also see:

Eco-Hamlets (which are settlements and communities, too small to be classified as Eco-Villages):

Eco Towns - a list of links for which is shown on:

The History behind Eco-Towns is shown on:

Eco-Cities, as shown on: - with more to reference on

WE organise Eco-Festivals, "Arks in the Parks",  linked together and broadcast live by Skype to show the above.

With live (hopefully Reggae) concert/s - potentially twinned at many venues at once - through ticket sales, this will allow each community to raise seed funds, as exemplared by Transition Towns "In Transition" Movie - which I've bookmarked on with introduction.  Concept details of 'Arks in the Parks as shown on: (also shown as above under Executive Summary).

Basically, all the information shown here - and across all the Ark websites, (both my own - and everyone else's), are all designs to help save life through the predicted changes in Earth's environmental climate, with as much information available freely, to help others to live sustainably.

The Tree Ark Project Eco-Village 'showcase' community, is based upon the above, and a huge array of evidence to show any authority or decision maker WHY we need to live sustainably as an Eco-Community.  

This document can be downloaded to use by any other community anywhere, to support their planning application for a sustainable community living project: 

The above formed the feasibility studies to live on a 'Green Field Site' - and to create "Green Energy" and a "Green Economy".  (Which was needed by my rural community.)

As for the anticipated outcomes, it is quite clear to see from looking at all the above references, what the world of tomorrow would look like - if only we were ALLOWED to build it today.

All of the above approved consitutes award winning sustainable communities - of prestigious 'Build Code 6' excellence.  (Except Governments proposals for Eco-Towns and Eco-Cities, which mainly appear to be built of cement, with renewable technologies manufactured overseas, and all with all distribution networks running on fossil fuels, thus devaluing the word 'Eco' to 'Eco-Friendly' - which is only a little bit 'EcoLOGICAL'.)

My ex-tutor Tony Smith MA, Architect and Lecturer in Sustainable Construction at the College of West Anglia, King's Lynn/Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, - and Vladimir Nickolayevich Tretyakov, via the website of: Dr. Uladzimir Tratsiakou's - who is devoted to teaching students the imperatives of human species survival, and designating urgently needed actions, as shown on:

Copy from Vladimir's email as shown here: 

I was delighted looking at your sites, as their contentual saturation, as well how these are designed. (As for the sites’ design, I think useful for my 36-year son, an architect, to see your sites). You show there your panoramic vision, and School possibly for you more to teach than learn. So, you are great acquisition for all us!
Moreover, my site devoted to imperatives of survival, and both others, and, have such the subject as well. I’d like to account that your environmental materials appear guiding for ecological imperative subject of my sites to be replenished.
Let’s cooperate!
Sincerely yours

WE are friends through the Wiser Earth Organisation, on

Tony Smith MA, wants to buy my research material, graphics and presentations to use as class resources to teach 'The Subsidiary Diploma in Environmental Sustainability'.  

A copy of this course's flyer is as shown below:

My ex-Lecturer Tony Smith, knows how much research has gone into my full academic report - forming the backbone to 'prove the need' of Global Ark Projects, and actually edited this down for me into 'The Brief' as shown linked above, and repeated by way of introduction to Ark's concept on:


You will also want to outline actions by which the region/country you have selected can transition to the green economy or to an alternative vision of the future that you would propose instead.


Eco-Festivals - as shown by Transition Towns.  Earn Seed-Funds to kick-start all sustainable community living projects, Eco-Villages etc.

Open-Conferences as shown in PDF slideshow on Slide Share.

Ark Directory (Eco-Ethical Directory - potential Eco-Ethical Search Engine NET4NON)

Renewable Generators - built by Eco-Communities around the world - in exchange for free accommodation via the E-Co-Op - saving councils/governments £Millions in benefits & Top-Ups!

A quick overview slideshow as linked below: (N.B. please see all uploaded to slideshare, as prepared for this contest.  I couldn't link all graphics directly onto this website.  Thank You.)

The actions by which East or West, North or South (Anglia or otherwise), can transition to the green economy - and by default, the "Green" way of life, start with being able to teach people via the above methods.

Please Note - there is currently a UK Government restriction on 'Level 3 Recruitment' which is preventing the Edexel BTEC course as shown above from being taught by Tony Smith at the College of West Anglia/Anglia Ruskin University - and others.

If this restriction could be squashed, then we would all be able to get on with the work in hand, to be able to make East Anglia (and/or anywhere else) run sustainably with a "Green Economy" formed of renewables, harvesters and recyleables.

We hope to teach people how to install renewable power generators, how to build using straw bales, how to install removable structural timber frames - which will save investors monies, as they won't be taken by the sea - unlike the brick and cement buildings currently being built in Flood Risk Zones, across East Anglia and beyond.

I was taught by Tony Smith back in 2003, that the construction industry needed to:

1.  Build sustainably - it was (and still is), one of the most wasteful industries on the planet

2.  Design architecture to take into account the predicted effects of climate change

3.  That all the signs showed that we were heading into the worst economic recession - EVER.

Tony taught us that we needed to think 'outside the box' in order to come up with design solutions which could be built anywhere, from construction materials which were readily available around any proposed site.

As such, and based upon all the above approved exemplars of sustainable design, I went into transition to become an Eco-Design consultant, instead of just an architectural designer - focussed on build profits with developers.

We were taught that the new growth sector, would be affordable Code 6 housing, and the self-build sector - as shown by the approved exemplars above.

Tony used CAT in Wales as an exemplar of what the face of "Green Building" would look like in the future - as such, I've done just that.

As an Eco-Design Consultant with over 20 years experience in the industry of architectural design, (and a lifetime's environmental and human rights/rites interest/activities), I'd already been petitioning the government to change as a 'Friend of The Earth' since the 1960s.

I knew what would happen environmentally if we didn't 'clean up our act' - and have been asking to be allowed to do so, since I was eight years old in the 1960s.

As such, I was ideally suited to both angles needed to become an Eco-Design Consultant.

I didn't need to do the research for myself to understand better - I did it to explain to others.  (Particularly, the Planning Committees which are currently thwarting most people's attempts to live sustainably.)

The other block to people living sustainably, is the fact that while ALL this information is currently available online, and via Libraries across the world - its not easily accessible for people who are trying to find the answers.

I aim to make it so.

Further more - I aim to use colour codes rather than words to show what is good (Green), what is in transition (Yellow) - and what is a high risk (Red).

Just by putting these background colours behind the pictures of known problems and solutions, we can show anyone anywhere - without using any words, what needs to be stopped - what needs to be built temporarily in a Risk Zone - and the colour codes matched back to either social risk - or environmental hazzard.

Ark's Vision at the bottom of this submission forms the basic example of this format.

(Please be aware that there is far more research than is currently shown on any of my websites - as listed below.  This all needs loading by volunteers and/or students, and the other Ark websites and domains need linking 'live' online.  I haven't been able to do this all myself, as I have been too busy researching, writing articles, preparing graphical illustrations, presentations, flow-charts, concept graphics, logos, business plans, websites, twittering, blogging, facebooking, and networking with my rural friends, our community and our networks.

As a self-employed rural trader, I am networked across Norfolk, Suffolk the UK and beyond - and I have a lot of work to do alone,  including raising my three lovely children, alone - plus my paid employment as an Eco-Design Consultant and architectural designer.

(I had a bit of a problem following the rules for a social enterprise which had the aim of providing affordable Eco-Housing - as it was also my paid job too, resulting in me working free in my professional capacity - just because I was a rural, self-employed lone-trader, and lone-parent - Living in poverty before I started.)

If you are already financially 'black-listed' - how on Earth are you supposed to open a bank account for your social enterprise?

Without a bank account for the social enterprise, I was blocked from any grant - which would have helped cover all the business costs associated with being a social enterprise.

This was all built as a business plan - to earn income from whatever ethical and ecological means possible.

Like everyone I know - I'd far rather be working than sitting back on benefits, but working 'free' while living in a house with a rent of £650 pcm, with electricity bills in excess of £150 pcm, with phone bills, internet bills (I work from home and use the internet all the time - and my children HAVE to have the internet to do their homework), oil-fired heating bills, petrol bills, insurance bills, vets bills, school uniform bills, shoes for four, food for four, water & sewage bills for four, car bills - there is NO bus for 2.5 miles, and I have to run my children everywhere, drive to the shops - there's none in this village, I have to drive to my clients - even the ones who don't pay me, (AND those who HAVEN'T paid me my professional fees as an Eco architectural designer - details available by request.)

Fundamentally, as a rural, self-employed single mother - I've been left unsupported by the rules written by Agenda 21, The Brundtland Report, The Eath Charter, and a host of other Human Rights agendas - which were all written to protect people in my situation.

I can't live sustainably - since forced out of sustainable affordable housing in 2006, and I've now run up debts I can't pay - because, (A), I'm supposed to work 'free' as a social entrepreneur in order to provide affordable zero carbon housing and enable the building of Eco-Housing, Eco-Resorts, Eco-Hamlets, Eco-Villages, Eco-Towns and Eco-Villages; and (B), I've not been paid by three builder/developers this recession for Planning Applications for Major Projects.

If all I've got coming in is Working Tax Credits - AND I have to prove to Immigration Control that I will never need a penny of state funds, otherwise I can't live with my husband in the UK as man and wife - AND I've been advised to go bankrupt because of the builder/developers who didn't pay me for all the research work I did to get them planning consent on green field sites - then exactly HOW am I supposed to feed and clothe my three children?

I understand rural poverty, deprivation, exclusion - AND the need to build sustainably FIRST HAND.

The research forms documentary proof of the fact that up to 80% of humanity is living in similar situations of deprivation - and my own networking proves that the rural community across Norfolk, East Anglia and beyond - is just waiting for the opportunity to build their own Eco-Homes, Eco-Resorts, WWOOF sites, CLTs, Eco-Hamlets, Eco-Villages, Etc!

The market research was done to prove the business plan - to estimate the numbers of people who would want to use the service.

Ultimately, the number of people who can live sustainably on any site, depends on the size of the site, and the number of people in that community who have proven need of affordable/sustainable housing.

Once those details have been provided, (along with the site demographics, topography, access routes - and situation/location - in order to tie in with others already formed) - its just a case of contacting those in my network to spin the answers to these questions, and to present the previously approved exemplars of sustainable design to the Local Authorities, to see what they want building, where.

(Hence, The Ark Directory, is actually built as a research manual - to show every local authority, land-owner and decision maker in East Anglia and beyond, what CAN be built - anywhere.)

Totally replicable designs, with end use specified in the design, and flexibility to be replicated even in flood risk zones - AND on water.

These designs work EVERYWHERE. 

There is simply NO point in re-inventing the wheel - when it has been proven to work very well already! 

(With or without fossil fuels!!??)

Without - provides the green economy - WITH fossil fuels - just provides death for our civilizisation - especially ALL our grassroots.

(Because, if fossils win - we become fossils by default.  Cities and towns will spread - while rural people who care about the natural habitat which surrounds them, will be forced off the face of the Earth - quite literally.)

If that happened, then the people who would be left to run Earth - would be all those with the money to chose to live sustainably in the first place - many of whom who don't actually know what 'sustainability' actually means.

People have been divorced from agriculture for centuries now - and their natural instincts actually leave some of them unable to cope with woodland which isn't set out in rigid rectangles.

They don't understand that mono-system agriculture is killing the bees - because there is no habitat to support them, and think that bees, flies, ants etc, are just put on earth to annoy them, by getting in their drinks and sandwiches.

I for one, do not want to feed my children (or myself) on plastics, chemicals, or genetically modified crops - and I represent lots of friends who said they'd rather eat/be organic - if only they could afford to.

If we lose bees, ants, wasps, and micro-organisms, then the whole world will be dependent on the likes of Monsanto for their GM food for eternity.

As with BSE and CJD, it doesn't matter to the financial institution WHAT the scientists and experts say - if the conclusion is not economically viable to the stock-market, than someone else, somewhere will simply be paid to provide answers which support the economic rationale to feed bovines to bovines, and continue to use chemical fertilizers.

N.B.  For anyone who questions the benefits of organic and ecological farm managment, please see NASA's photographs showing 'Dead Zones' - e.g. at the mouth of the Mississippi.  (I'm unable to access these photographs to show you here.)

I have bought lots of others from in order to show poverty, deprivation, pollution, organic waste and mountains of plastics, thrown away by consumers of/and supermarkets.

(How on Earth Tesco's keeps getting planning approval is beyond me - as supermarkets are killing the environment at a phenominally rapid rate.)

Setting the prices out for HUGE automated farms to produce mountains of 'perfect' carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, apples - or whatever, (at the cheapest prices for the maximum profits) - AND shrink wrapping almost everything in plastics which never decompose - is environmentally criminal.

Offering organic farmers the means to become sustainable - works, and has been proven to do so across the entire planet.

Rural people need affordable housing - and farmers/land-owners need free help looking after their land.  Its a marriage made in Heaven!

(Which will allow me to live with my own!)


Why: Rationale for the proposal

There is no help for founders of sustainable communities - who are trying to live 'Green'.

In order to balance both Economy and Ecology Ethically, the people who need to live sustainably first - are all those who can't afford to live in the first place.

Like 'The Tree Ark Project' Eco-Village Community - who are 'landless'.

Founding a (rural) sustainable community formed of people whose self-employed businesses have all been affected by the Global Recession, meant that we couldn't even open a bank account for our social enterprise because we were 'black-listed' by the banks.

As such, we were in just the same situation as 80% of humanity - as we had no land and no money.

Realising that there was no grant-funding available for sustainable communities to get started - as we found for ourselves, (and that working as the Eco architectural designer, I was supposed to work 'free' - when I already had 'proven need' of affordable housing for myself before I started), I built Global Ark Projects to help everyone trying to form a sustainable community living project.  (Be it an Eco-Home/Hamlet/Village/Town/City, an Eco-Resort, and with - or even without Permaculture, but with another equally exemplary sustainable, permanent Ecological and organic land management system.)

The Tree Ark Project Eco-Village 'showcase' (intentional community), was originally formed primarily of single parents, single people, and survivors of domestic abuse.  Some of us have been homeless before, and none of us owned our own homes - or any land.  None of us worked with salaried positions, most were self-employed, and some were not working or working on a voluntary basis.

Tree Ark was also formed consensually with our children.  (Please note; all founding members either knew about the predicted affects of climate change, or the need to live and build housing sustainably using Ecological construction materials - or both.  Most have been supporters of the 'biggest' environmental and humanitarian charities for decades - if not life!)

Small and large scale projects have been initiated, but as yet, there has been nothing inclusive which has offered the immediate financial solutions needed by approximately 80% of humanity, to 'kick-start' their projects to live sustainably.

For example, Agenda 21 was supposed to have empowered women across the world - and most especially single mothers - like myself and most of the original founding members of Global Ark Projects.  As detailed above, I found out myself that this simply is not happening.

We totally empathised with women and children across the world - and are mortified at the lack of response at 'high level', which continues to allow 22,000 childred to die each day (along with every other woman and man), unnecessarily.

Rationale, as started in the details shown above, and under 'Outlined Actions' previously stated. Continued on:


Feasibility of proposal

Explanation of how the proposed actions will be achieved. Teams are encouraged, but not required, to include such issues as:

Overall regional/national policy framework

Changes in social practices or individual behavior

Role of political mobilization, education, or changes in values

Financing mechanisms

Role of new energy technologies

If more detailed models or spreadsheets are useful in demonstrating your proposal’s feasibility, please send them by to, and they will be reviewed and linked to your proposal.   (Business plan drafts to support any sustainable community starting - based on permutations and permaculture, are shown on - in rough format and in need of editing.  N.B.  The problem with any business plan, is that all the figures are speculative, ergo, dependent upon being able to work through flood, drought, storm, storm damage, and global economic recession - hence, the concept for an online and offline 'Green Channel' to float through the changes which may affect the sustainability of any community enterprise - without necessitating any debt, which is itself unsustainable.)

The Business Plan was based on 'any community - anywhere'.

We had no site - so had no idea how large the site would be, how many people we could fit into the site - nor how many local people in the community near that site might want or need to live sustainably.

Based on these problems - having no topography or demography - It was still necessary to prepare a business plan (!!!)

The Business Plan is available to download for any community preparing a planning submission to any Local Authority - as is the research - which was prepared to show why we (ALL) have proven need to live sustainably.

The feasibility study is based on the fact that ALL these solutions exist already - and have set planning precident already.

WE can therefore submit one giant 'blanket' planning application - to all decision makers.  (Based on all the reference points as shown on this submission.)


Overall regional/national policy framework:

Primarily, maybe the question now is, should 'Decision Makers' be allowed to make decisions on Environmental Sustainability - if they haven't had any training in sustainability - and in climate change?


The Regional National Policy Framework, is currently based upon United Nations Agenda 21, which should allow for the building of affordable, ethical solutions which offer a totally democratic & consensual way of running any community site.

The current problem, lies not in the planning guidelines, but in the way in which individual authorities and decision makers, interpret the guidelines - which are long and detailed, and require dedicated diligence to follow, plus an understanding of the predicted effects of climate change which a lot of people do not have.

The Earth Charter is far more simplified, and easier to follow.

Friends at Wiser Earth have also been simplifying this further, as have people in the Eco-Village Network and the Permaculture Organisation, and potentially lots of other not-for-profit organisations.

Potentially therefore, all their carefully worded documents could be linked here (e.g. co-operatively - in the Ark Directory) for open source information.

Ultimately, we all know that we need to move into a "Green World", one where we don't use fossil fuels anymore, and we don't hurt anyone to claim what they 'own' as our own.

Build Code 6 is the highest building code acheivable - based on architectural design for a world which does not use fossil fuels nor emit greenhouse gases (or any pollution at all), as all built under this code, are built from natural and organic construction materials.

Building Eco-Homes (in the UK to Build Code 6), means constructing buildings from the materials and suppliers found around and close to any site, (EcoLOGICALLY, affordably and totally sustainably).  Which in turn, supports the local community and provides employment at source.

Changes in social practices or individual behavior:

Perhaps one of the first changes which needs to be implicated, is to explain that continued borrowing is not sustainable.  Global deficit is not sustainable - nor is global debt.

In mathematics, multiplying negative figures may result in positive totals, but in financial terms, continuing to borrow (against any mineral deposits?) - just continues to escalate the problem and cannot be sustained.

At 'ground level', it is simply not possible to get into food or water debt - because once you get to zero, you die.

People need to relearn, (as some have never forgotten), that they are dependent upon Earth for the basic ingredients of life.

The basic ingredients for life, are water and food, and basic forms of shelter from the elements.

It is also preferrable, to have fabric to cover our bodies, and shoes to protect our feet.

The luxuries which some people take for granted, are education, healthcare, communications, and the internet.

Some form of currency or trade in exchange for our work is also preferrable, as without it, we are enslaved by the lack of opportunity to leave our situation.

You cannot go to your family, or your friends, or anywhere else on Earth if you cannot walk there, and you have no money and no communications to ask for help.  (And even if you do, you need someone to answer and respond to your plea for help.)

It is not possible to catch a bus or a train, if there is no bus or train - or you have no money to pay for your ticket.

It is not possible to stand upon any land, if the land was not yours by Rite/s and/or inheritance, and you have no money to buy any land.

(AND, even if you do, and you wish to erect some sort of shelter, on a temporary or permanent basis, the existing Local Authorities and Planning Committees can prevent you from doing so.  E.G. Dale Farm. UK.)


Changes in Social Behaviour:

First need to come through education.

People need to know that they can live without bills or rent - and can live without claiming benefits - if they'd prefer to work part-time instead!

Only when people have had access to all the scientific research which is now available mainstream, in High Schools (E.G. Fakenham), and Colleges/Universities (E.G. The College of West Anglia/Anglia Ruskin University. Easton College, The University of East Anglia - which houses the prestigious Climate Research Institute, Cambridge University, E.G. Sir Brian Heap who allowed me to attend the talk [free!}; "Can we Adapt the Built Environment in Time" - as researched, written and presented by Professor MJ Kelly - with thanks for this opportunity to build up my research.)

N.B. Please see 'Life Player' as shown by actor Tom Hanks on 'Planet 100' - which I bookmarked on my website on - I don't just recommend that this (or equal equipment) be provided to schools and decision makers in Africa - but to every community outlet and hub across the world.

Only by sharing information and providing the evidence which backs it up, will we ever get the changes in Social Behaviour needed to turn the 'Planet Green'.

Professor Ben Darville at the University of Stirling - who freely shared his knowledge regarding the need for more diversity and woodland/countryside management for Bumble Bees.

Professor S McKay of the University of Birmingham - who has researched to prove that the situation for any parent - especially lone-parents, ultimately leads to poverty, and our children to suffer, as there is simply inadequate top-ups in the first place.

No two people on Earth are the same.

Everyone's situation is slightly different - and to stick rigidly to tick-boxes for support systems which are only designed to suit 'the majority' of situations, is obviously allowing all those who do not - to fall through the support system.

The vast majority of society, has regular wages, salaries, investments, pensions, sickness payments, holidays, and maternity leave.

Self-employed people do not.

Nor do farmers - or anyone else running their own businesses.

The benefit claim forms for housing benefits and council tax benefits and top-ups, only have boxes to quote your regular monthly income and your job-seekers or payroll numbers - there is no box to put your irregular earnings figures.  (And, where there is - this is based on the last year's trading figures.)

At a time of recession - one years trading figures can be completely different from the next.

When you have been left unpaid by your clients for your work - and have no money to pay the Council Tax, you are threatened with court action and imprisonment.  (N.B.  If you go to prison for non-payment of Council Tax, the Council is within their legal rights, to put your children into social care.)

Ergo, if you are a self-employed rural parent - you are FAR worse off working than you would be sitting back on your rear end, claiming benefits.

Rural Entrepreneurs think on their feet, they know that they have to sell their furniture, their car, their clothes etc - just to pay their Council tax, and try to feed their children.

This basic need gives rise to social enterprises which will turn the world green.

Please see Open Source Ecology for details of a "Global Village Construction Set" - which can teach anyone who wants to know, how to build their own 3D scanner, or small tractor - and with 50 designs available, there is no end to the potential.

In a similar way, Eco-Designs was originally formed by myself and Ron Peach CIOB Project Manager, in order to help support people who would want to self-build their own Eco-Homes.

Designs and patterns are available through lots of published books - and are available 'off the shelf' - either free, or with a nominal fee.

Support at each stage of the self-build will be available, and for those who would rather commission this building work than build their own, we offer an Eco-Design and Build service too.

This forms a part of the Educational Resources which were designed from the outset to be a part of Ark's showcase - and any other Ark type community.

The role of political mobilization, education, or changes in values can only be allowed by the opportunities of education to which vast numbers are currently excluded - especially where they lack internet access.

E.G.  Veteral Eco-Author Avril Fox is now 94 years of age, and she really doesn't have the physical stamina needed to build her own Eco-Home, especially after fighting for 50 years for the human right to live sustainably on Earth.

Avril is a dear friend, and one of the founding members of The Tree Ark Project Eco-Village showcase community.

Together with her late son Robin Murrell, Avril wrote "Green Design", which was published in 1989, (ISBN-10: 1854542001 - Phaidon Press, via:  (A guide to the Environmental Impact of Building Materials.)

We recommend that anyone wanting to learn about sustainable construction, add this book to their essential reading list.

(In fact, we hope to be able to sell this book to earn income for Ark's Community/s - together with Avril's Authobiography - "The Long Road to Realism", which she has very kindly asked me to adminster as her agent!  Any volunteers in Publishing, please contact me - as I would like to be able to sell both books electronically, in order to save trees, especially for the Tree Ark Project.) Where people would like a hard copy, printed on recycled paper, and bound in natural organic materials - printed using vegetable dyes, then orders could be made and payments taken in advance to commission local book-binders to produce a hand-made copy of this excellent read!

There are not many women on Earth who have had the life which Avril has had - pioneering "Green Design" and advocating the need for a 'Green Economy' for approximately 50 years.

'The Long Road to Realism' is an honest autobiographical account, of all the stages needed to 'morph' into the 'Green World' which we can have today - simply by sharing the words and the research of others.


Income Generation - AND - the role of new energy technologies - as both were originally identified to run simultaneously as an Eco-Ethical Social Enterprise, offering a permanent 'Green Design' exhibition and showroom site.

Income generation for myself, my husband, and my out of work 24 year old son - plus for many of The Tree Ark Project's original showcase community, was always going to be earned for the social enterprise by:

The Sale of Eco-Designs 'off-the-shelf' - which could also be available 'free' for self-builders.  These would be available to see in our showrooms and galleries.  (As Ark's landless, I thought we could have a mobile display Eco-Design & Build Office - which could either be called,, or

I thought that could be set up to help build Eco-Resorts, for temporary Eco-Homes in flood risk zones (and holiday homes), which would be movable to higher or safer ground on 'Roll-Back' schemes, like that adopted by North Norfolk District Council.

This was especially pertinent, as so much of East Anglia is heading under the North Sea.  (As an Eco-architectural designer and consultant, my clients would be within their rights to sue me for negligence if I failed to notify them, that their land would be under water in a few years time.)

As such, all Eco-Designs are designed to be removable from site at the end of the term of the life of that site - thus meeting another planning guideline in the process.

By offering Eco-Housing schemes which would offer affordable housing to make communities sustainable and resilient across our region, we hoped that at least some of the monies saved to Councils and Local Authorities in reduced benefits & top-ups, would be donated into Global Ark Projects, to provide the seed-funding needed to build more of the same - saving Local Authorities (and Government), £Millions in the process.

Working on a percentage of the monies saved to Parishes, Councils, Local Authorities and Government, should provide a steady income into Global Ark Projects.

(N.B.  Please note that Intellectual Property and Copyright for ALL Global Ark and Eco-Design Projects, are written as protected, to ensure that there design and inclusion was not stolen by any others for commercial profits.  These documents are available for a fee - or free, depending on the situation of the person enquiring whether they can use them.  They have been prepared singularly for the income needed to provide a Green Economy, which is in turn needed to support Social Enterprises and non-profit/non-government organisations across the world.)

The reason for this being, that Government organisations and the commercial sector - can always go along to any bank and get a loan to start with.  

Social enterprises which do not work for huge profit margins, find it very nearly impossible to find ethical investors.

Without an ethical investor - or the means to open a bank account for a social enterprise in the first place, no social entrepreneur can get started on their mission.

Ark's proposals for a 'Green Economy' are themselves totally self-sufficient.

After initial seed-funding, there should not be the need for any more monies to float the community - UNLESS they recieve NO income in any year to pay their:

Council Tax

Income Tax

Car/Vehicle Tax (and Insurance)

Public Liabilities Insurance/s and Professional Indemnity

Telecommunications Bills

Internet Bills

(and to update, repair and re-cycle their telecommunications and internet equipment)

Vets bills/Dentistry/Health-Care

(Plus, to buy any materials they may need in order to manufacture renewable technologies and 'green energy'.)

While trading in kind is encouraged, some basic monetary payment will still need to be accrued in order to pay the above, and any other unforseen bills.

Potentially, some of the above costs could be covered by offering the professionals in those fields, free accommodaion for Eco-holidays etc. but the state systems would probably still need money - although equally, they could knock this off their commissions paid by them to Ark for saving them £Millions.

Income Generation - in 'watt or whatever' trading exchange rates:

The provision of technical support, for all people building (and attempting to build) their own Eco-Homes - via Skype, YouTube, and/or in person, will need to be provided free as a social enterprise, as so many people who want the opportunity of building their own homes, have no money to start with.

Global Ark Projects has many diverse income generators 'onboard'.  (Please see the Business Plans as linked above.)

To cover this cost, we will instead charge those who wish to have their Eco-Homes built for them.

Commissions booked so far, include an Eco-Home for Avril Fox, and potentially one for Janette - although both depend on WHERE we might be able to build a community site.

Once others see what is being built in our region, we have no doubt that others will want the same - either to self-build, or again, ask us to build to commission/s.

Others who have said that they would like an Eco-Home built of Straw Bales, Cob, Adobe, Lime, Reed, Timber, stone etc, - AND use renewable technologies to create 'Green Energy' include:

Kate: Planning Officer

Keith and Patricia: Organic Farmers - with two farms they want to be made sustainable, and to offer affordable housing - and FREE housing to workers helping on their farms

Howard and Jill: who own eleven organic acres in Spain - and who have invited me, plus my family, to help them to build an Eco-Resort.  (Which is where we will be aiming to move to asap.)

We also have the potential to design and build community hubs and Eco-Trading posts at various sites across East Anglia, which necessitates my preparing even more work unpaid, in order to try and win a tender - for a community hub for Non-Profits and Social Enterprises in Stalham.  (Who need to understand the benefits of partnering architectural designs, rather than in producing 'tenders' - which are consistently unreliable.)  E.G The Egan Report, which is used to teach sustainable construction practices, by Tony at the College of West Anglia.

N.B. The existing commercial construction sector has proven itself to be completely unsustainable.  The use of cement in any construction now, is as outdated, as the process of ordering a whole lorry of concrete/blocks, in order to get the 'best price' - when only a small quantity was needed, and the rest thrown into the landfill (landfull!)

In addition to earning income through building the above, (which was originally going to provide ourselves with the wages we needed to feed and clothe our children), following planning rules which meant that all this had to be provided free by open source, I added income sources from the commissions earned on the sales of renewable technologies.

Wherever possible, we will set up showrooms and galleries, dedicated to showing all the renewable technologies which are now available - together with feedback on their usage, servicing requirements, initial costs, repayment terms, and viability.  

These will all be made available in the Ark Directory, so anyone could go up to the counter and have a look through the directory, much the same as they would an Argos Catalogue.

Behind the counter, and across the walls in Ark's charity internet cafe's, we would be spooling RSS feeds, YouTube videos, and such eminent environmental news channels as "Planet Green" (which works in conjunction with the excellent 'TreeHugger' site - which will in turn, be offering a free spot to the winning entry of this contest for a 'Green Economy' as run by the awesome Climate CoLab team!)  

I've had Planet 100's news channel embedded on my website to show others the latest 'green buzz' since I set them up myself on as shown on webpage: (just click and it will keep running!:D)

We are now sitting at the point of our own decision - as a global community. 

Do WE believe that the Earth's climate changes on a regular basis - or don't we?

Do WE believe that WE have the power to change the predictions - or don't we?

Do WE want to live 'green' - or 'yellow' (or 'red')?

What is green or yellow or red?

Simple - Red is for Fossils - for Death, and the colour of danger.  (Eco-Homes on a red background, signify that they are a viable solution in any risk zone - or for anyone in a financial risk zone.)

Yellow is for people, organisations, companies - and land which is 'In Transition".  This can either be land which is in a medium flood risk zone, or people/companies/Towns or Cities, which are slowly inching their way into a sustainable system to provide themselves with free electricity, heating, water, bio-gas and loads of community employment opportunities, such as the manufacture of Spirulina.

Green - well, Green, as always, is just 'good to go'.

If something is green right across the board, then people will know that its been manufactured locally, used no fossil fuels in manufacture or distribution, emitted no pollution - or the minimal requirement for Build Code 6, etc.

A mock up of Global Ark Projects Eco-Ethical Label is shown below:

The label above shows signage to show that the product or service is not completely 'green' - so either its made/maunfactured using fossil fuels, or delivered using fossil fuels - as shown by the yellow and red indicators, or its actually even manufactured unethically.

Where all stars and signage is red, then obviously - even if a product or service appears to offer sustainable design alternatives - its not good for very much, other than its companies sales techniques.

(I prepared the above using an inexpensive piece of software designed to be used on appleMacs and MacBooks, called 'Art Text' approximately £26 - which was also used to prepare the mock-ups of all the logos I've designed.)

All 'Green' or ostensibly 'Green' products and services supplied through the Ark's directory, would have a label similar to the above.

On packaging (made by the community from recycled paper and cardboard), it would look something like:

(Dependent upon the size and the shape of the Eco-Ethical design, component, etc.  This colour way was prepared for hand made woollens, artwork, glass, pottery, organic food, etc.)

For renewable technologies, I prepared the following mock-up: 

Both the above were prepared using original graphics which I bought from in order to edit to use in marketing my proposals.  (Graphics from dreamsTIME proved to be the most affordable solution to the preparation of all the graphics needed to show what our proposals were, and allowed me 'Royalty Free' usage to edit them to suit my need, with lifetime's use guaranteed for one easy and minimal payment per graphic.

N.B.  Typically, all the costs of these, the websites, the domains, and the professional services reqired to load the websites onto the servers and to maintain the servers, plus renew the domains - were all removed from my business expenses for my self-employed trading figures by my local authority.  Proving the above sentiment, that the current system is not designed for anomolies, and people who do not conform to regular income and outgoings.  (How did they think I was supposed to launch a social enterprise - while working 'free' - and with all the associated costs removed from my expenses? - Thus providing them with a figure for housing top-ups, which showed that I had surplus funds available to pay their Council Tax bill - which I didn't, because they'd taken these costs off the business costs.  Ergo - I nearly ended up in prison as I had no money to pay my bills -and my children nearly ended up in the car system.)

Hence, after finding these findings myself, I simply ensured that Global Ark Projects was designed to float EVERYONE - even those of us in the world who are NOT allowed to open business accounts for their social enterprises, and have NO WAY of getting grant aid because of it.

(It seemed ridiculous to me, that the only people who could get money - were all those who had salaries in the first place, and were not entrepreneurial - nor focussed on environmental and humanitarian issues, but primarily geared up as businesses - which could continue to ensure that no grassroots ever got off the ground.)

We will therefore be earning commissions as a social enterprise, from the manufacture, distribution and supply chain associated with the the need of sustainable communities to have reliable and viable renewable technologies, and Ecologically designed architecture.

(For instance, if I pass any leads on to Hudson Architects - and/or use one of their designs for the 'Avril Fox Green Design Visitor Centre' - or any Eco-Church building, Eco-Community Hub or other, Anthony very kindly said that he would pay commissions to Global Ark Projects, for the provision of affordable Eco-Homes and the enablement of sustainable community living projects.)

My dear friend James, has contacts in China, who are willing to transport renewable generators via shipping which does not use fossil fuels - to enable us to offer Build Code 6 on renewable innovations.

James' friends in China offer Bio-Gas plants which start from the size needed for four people - and go right up to the size needed by a whole town.  They are happy to work with us, and may even teach locally (through colleges and/or universities), how to assemble, install and maintain their technologies - which will allow communities in Norfolk, East Anglia and beyond the opportunity of regeneration through 'green' ethically and locally manufactured renewable technologies

Obviously, we would send monies back to China by forming an Ecological Co-Operative for this partnering program which will ensure that all their own community and workforce are also suitably accommodated in free Eco-Homes, with free food, water, electricity etc.,

At no time do we ever want to support any unethical trading practice - such as that shown by Apple, in the manufacture of their iPad - which had workers in China throwing themselves to their deaths from the factory windows, rather than have to endure their working conditions for a day longer.

It should be remembered, that at the moment we turn 'the green light on' - we can quite simply ensure that there is ethical trading policies associated to ALL the best renewable technologies which provide us both with free green electricty (after between 6 to 8 years payback) - AND a reliable, resilient "GREEN ECOnomy".

We hope it goes without saying, that manufacture and distribution of the renewable technologies using design patterns as offered by James friends, will regenerate whole communities across any region, as the people involved in manufacturing, service, supply and installations - will be earning wages via the Ecological Co-Operative/Collaboration prepared to 'get their hands dirty' to make the green energy, - to supply 'green' power to all those who would rather not get their hands dirty.

Exemplars of sustainable design will have renewable technologies installed, which can be used to teach students for years to come - ergo, any supplier of any renewable technologies, will be guaranteed free advertising, and a continual stream of students being qualified to install, maintain - and even manufacture their 'green technologies'.

E.G.  Market House, Tuesday Market Place, King's Lynn - which has received Planning Approval for a Build Code 6, which will be used by Tony Smith to teach students at The College of West Anglia/Anglia Ruskin University, how to build sustainably (with a sectionally removable timber frame, straw bales, lime and earth renders) - and how to install and maintain photovoltaic cells, a heat exchange unity, water harvester/s, and (hopefully), an anerobic digester.

Similar proposals are also being formed for the tender process needed by Stalham's Community Hub in North Norfolk District Council's area.  (Hence I need to float Ark now - in order that I can try to connect all those involved in these two building schemes.)

Its also been suggested that I contact Geoff Hall - Executive Director, Development & Regeneration at the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk, to explain how the above can provide employment, free Eco-Homes for workers, and 'green' electricty (PLUS free Hydrogen fuel) for the community of King's Lynn.

It has also been suggested that I contact a private investor and land-owner, to see if he would be interested in finding out how his proposals for a "Green  Eco-Tech Centre" near Fakenham could be helped through the above.

Plus, I also need to do the same for the Planning Departments at Great Yarmouth, and those covering Hollesley Bay (again), to arrange meetings to discuss our proposals.

I've also got two other potential sites to prepare proposals for - one in West Scotland - for an Eco-Village along the lines of Findhorn's Eco-Resort - which is within 10 miles of an Eco-Tech Centre, having already got planning consent for a new "Eden" type centre.  (And one for my friends in Spain - who I may go and live with.)

N.B. The Planning Guidelines for sustainable communities - under 'the communities right to build' do not make it easy for anyone who has moved from one area to another.  At the age of 53, I've lived in 18 different places.  When I was trying to get land - the Rural Community Council told me that nobody would want anyone 'parachuting' over the heads of people in their own communities who had already been waiting for the chance of affordable housing for years.

I hope that this submission may explain to The Rural Community Council - that when I said we were an Eco-Design and Build team, which would go from one site to another to help build sustainable community living projects - like civil engineers do.  Working professionally as an Eco-architectural design constultant this was my career and my life-choice - and not, as was suggested I would be seen - as a 'hippy convoy'.

It is completely evident from ALL my research - that huge numbers of people just want the opportunity of living in the rural environment they love and want to care for - want the opportunity too, of reliable income - which is not market driven, and want housing - and utility bills which they can afford to pay.

Starting with £0 and working upwards - as was always my aim from the outset in 2003.

N.B. We will also be earning income through the manufacture of Spirulina on any site with an anaerobic digester.  (Spirulina AIDS Malnutrition - and also sells online for £10 per 100g - reference my dear friend David!:D)

PLUS, we will also be saving local authorities and land owners 'buckets' of money - as we'll be picking up litter while we row canoes and kayaks between Eco-Villages & Resorts.  We will also be offering bicycle hire and moped hire - running on electricity, methane and hydrogen.  (In fact, we'd like to franchise with the scheme in Londone which won grant monies, as we'd like to go around on scooters and hoover up dog muck - and then load it into the Anaerobic Digester, to give us free Hydrogen and/or electricity to run the scooters with!)

How many local authorities can boast a 'Green' animal waste scheme? (Especially when it gives them free electricity too!)

Please see graphic prepared for ease of understanding the benefits of recycling organic waste to produce Hydrogen as shown below, which would also be installed in conjunction with: rain water harvesters, grey water harvesters, wind turbines, air-source, solar, PV, geothermals, hydro, wave, algae farming, desalination plants, in fact - ALL other renewable 'green' power generators, and means to produce a regular supply of electricty, Bio-Gas, heating, water, organic manure and liquid organic fertiliser, Spirulina - and carbon, which is inert when not attached to Oxygen.


The above graphic was prepared for this application, to show one element of the 'green economy' which is designed to work in any situation, especially as methane is 23 times worse than CO2.

This renewable technology works in during a solar winter to provide the power needed to grow food indoors and in polytunnels/geodescent domes etc.


This has been a long journey, which actually started in the 1960s - and my thanks for taking the time to read through this application.

Please join me if you like what is written - and please edit my writings - all my work actually, and update as you would on Wikipedia.

Like Wikipedia, everything which has been prepared, has been prepared to help others form sustainable community living projects - and a stable 'green economy' which is both ECOlogical - and Ethical.

Thank You.

(Please join in Ecological Cooperative and Collboration to make this happen - all friends, everywhere WE are the driving force, as we have the highest footfall between us all.)

All Website links, friends and supporters gathered by networking, and via the following:


The following websites and domains have already been bought, but need updating (already), and loading with the research, links and bookmarks:  (Which is another income generator - detailed in brief on - please note that there is a lot more written to introduce both this ark project, and TAPOI, so if anyone has any questions, please ask.)  The links below are not all working - most notes are written on - and with links from: Global Ark Projects , Eco-Designs Network - and The Tree Ark Project.


AND, last but not least - WISER EARTH - without who's support, I think I would have gone virtually insane!  Please go and join the best sustainable community on Earth if you have not done so already!  (And, if you like what I have said here, please join me both as the team forming this application - and on Wiser Earth where I think my profile links through as if not, I'm listed under Linda Beamish - as I am on Linked-In.

N.B.  As I couldn't manage to (and didn't want to) learn the computer codes needed to write Joomla websites - needed to organise the information to share with others through open source, I have been using twitter and Facebook to bookmark links and file them under easy to find listings.  These then need embedding into the Ark Directory, to run their RSS feeds, add in community news, radio (as detailed on 'Planet 100' linked above), YouTube etc. 

All in all - IT works!!:D

Ark's Vision:

Creative depictions what life will be like later in the century if the proposal were to be adopted, using such media as videos, images, or narratives.

Full size video loaded on YouTube:  - please see presentation: Ark's Vision (reduced size) - I'm still trying to upload a full-quality version onto - will try and embed here - if possible?? (when finished - currently 200 minutes left!)

Please note that 'Plan B' needs editing - to read: (Folk), 'Reggae, Soul, + ROCK & ROLL!

The notes beneath were written before I finished Ark's Vision video.

WILL add 'Vision Ark' here - WHEN I can get teach myself how to operate the software to make a really nice presentation.  Please see 'Ark's Vision' at the bottom of the linked page, for grahical information until I've managed to prepare this specific application on:   

The one I will load here, will purely be visual graphics with a narrative, to help speed up the process of living sustainably for everyone concerned.