An online platform that fosters development towards a resource and economy saving world. Only combined forces and efforts can save the world
Across the whole world.
Executive summary
On the proposed new internet platform, people from all over the world (people from "developing" and "developed" countries) can connect. Best practices for doing things can be exchanged. This allows for a mutual development in saving resources and energy. At the same time this also allows engaged people to go on exchange into other parts of the world, where they can share their expertise.
Team: Please leave a note here if you're interested to join in and improve this proposal.
Lead author: Jonas Haller
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What: Foster mutual development
On an internet platform, people from all over the world are able to share their experiences and best practices to save energy and resources, which will thereby lower emissions. People from "developing" countries will be able to exchange knowledge about for practical things like how to bring light into houses, how to train people, but also more policy issues like how to make an effective subsidy scheme. People from the "developed" countries will be able to learn from more pristine and still sustainable communities how to minimize waste by reusing and re-purposing old stuff and reduce waste in the first place.
Many good ideas are currently around but not well known. For example, projects like the lightning up of houses with metal roofs by introducing PET bottles is not very well known, but could spread very fast trough such a community page.
At the same time the platform builds up a community of people engaged in projects to tackle "the global problem", through which people are able to make connections into new regions of the world to people that are interested in development.
So from a conceptual prospective, this tool will combine the existing tools like LinkedIn/Xing, Wikipedia and Facebook, but all in the perspective of development towards sustainability.
The overall and national policy framework is likely to undergo changes, since best practices and their benefits are discussed. Then, officials and MPs from countries all over the world can adopt and introduce the policies they like in their country.
Why: Rationale for the proposal
People all over the world have ideas on how to save energy and resources, however, it is very hard to share them with everybody that could make use of them. At the same time, people that look for a solution to a problem do not know that very similar problems have already been solved in other places.
Skilled and innovative people cannot put their innovations into practice, since they are lacking the resources to do so, since they are not working in the particular region. Hence there is a need for a way that people can write down their ideas and where people are going to read them.
Many people from developed countries are unaware about what they could do in order to conserve energy and resources in a process of daily life, since they have been always doing so. Hence the knowledge from "developing" countries can help to develop the "developed" countries to be more sustainable.
How: Feasibility of proposal
Setting up the internet platform will be the first step towards the realization of this concept. After this first step, people that are working in the fields of development and sustainability from all over the world will be invited to contribute to the platform. In order to foster contribution, a first set of a few hundreds of articles will probably need to be written by hired people / our staff, since nobody likes contributing to empty platforms.
Vision of the future under this proposal
The interlinked world will use their resources in a more efficient way and combine their efforts for a mutual development towards a sustainable future.